Page 18 - Kelas X_Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris_KD 3.9
P. 18

1.    “There is no such things as a free a. Meaning: If you need to do something,
                                  lunch."                            don't wait until later. Do it now.

                            2.    “God   helps  those  who   help b. Meaning: Have a backup plan. Don't
                                  themselves.”                       risk all of your money or time in one
                            3.    “There’s no time like the present.”  c. Meaning: If one member of a team
                                                                     doesn't perform well, the whole team
                                                                     will fail.
                            4.    "Good things come to those who d. Meaning: It's best to do something on
                                  wait.”                             time. But if you can't do it on time, do it
                            5.    “Don’t put all your eggs in one e. Meaning: Trying to convince people
                                  basket."                           with ideas and words is more effective
                                                                     than trying to force people to do what
                                                                     you want.
                            6.    "Two heads are better than one."  f. Meaning: Just saying that you'll do
                                                                     something doesn't mean much. Actually
                                                                     doing it is harder and more
                            7.    "A chain is only as strong as its g. Meaning: Things that are offered for
                                  weakest link.”                     free always have a hidden cost.

                            8.    "The pen is mightier than the h. Meaning: When two people cooperate
                                  sword."                            with each other, they come up with
                                                                     better ideas.
                            9.    "Better late than never."        i. Meaning:  Don't just wait for good
                                                                     things to happen to you. Work hard to
                                                                     achieve your goals.
                           10.    "Actions speak louder than words.”  j. Meaning:  Be  patient.  Eventually
                                                                     something good will happen to you.

                          Bagaimana jawaban kalian? Well done!
                          Sekarang bandingkan jawaban kalian dengan penjelasan di bawah ini.

                          1. “There is no such things as a free lunch."
                             Meaning: Things that are offered for free always have a hidden cost.

                             Penjelasan: Suatu hal yang ditawarkan secara gratis biasanya memiliki biaya yang

                          2. “God helps those who help themselves.”
                             Meaning: Don't just wait for good things to happen to you. Work hard to achieve your
                             Penjelasan: Sebaiknya Anda tidak hanya menunggu hal-hal baik yang ingin Anda
                             peroleh. Berusahalah dengan keras dan sungguh-sungguh untuk mendapakannya.

                          3. “There’s no time like the present.”
                             Meaning: If you need to do something, don't wait until later. Do it now.

                             Penjelasan: Kita harus bisa memanfaatkan waktu. Karena saat ini sangat berharga. Jika
                             kita ingin melakukan suatu hal yang baik, lakukanlah sekarang. Jangan menunggu
                             sampai nanti.

                          4. "Good things come to those who wait.”
                             Meaning: Be patient. Eventually something good will happen to you.

                      2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN           Page 12
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