Page 13 - Kelas XII_Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris_KD 3.3
P. 13
Sekarang silahkan fokus pada pernyataan “ I will talk the book which is written by
my son “
Pernyataan ini terdiri dari dua klausa, yaitu :
I will talk about a book
It ( the book ) is written by my son.
Perhatikan kembali pernyataan di atas, bandingkan!
Secara fungsi sama yaitu memberikan keterangan terhadap orang atau benda yang
dimaksud, mengapa the book menggunakan which, dan lady menggunakan who,
apakah bisa saling ditukarkan. Lihat penjelasan di bawah serta contoh contoh yang
lain :
Orang Benda Tempat Waktu Alasan
Subjek who/that which/that where when why
Objek whom/that which/that where when why
Kepunyaan whose
Lihat Contoh di bawah ini
Clause after the object
● She loves the chocolate (which / that) I bought.
● We went to the village (where / that) our father was born.
● John met a woman (whom / that) I had been to school with.
● The police arrested a man (who / that) Jill worked with.
● I give the reason (why) I never talk about this problem.
● Tia was married to a man (whose ) bank in this town.
Clause after the subject
● The bike (which / that) I loved was stolen.
● The university (where) she studies is famous.
● The woman (whom / that) my brother loves is from Mexico.
2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN Page 8