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 Injury. Her father decided to get a stroller to ride her around Arlington. Well, the ride he started evolved into the largest ride to honor Veterans, First Responders and it grew even larger despite a three-year break after 9/11. There are also generally at least 200 participants from Walter Reed. So, I did that ride in 2015, 2016 and 2017. On Saturdays I would usually ride to the gym, workout for two hours, do the spa, and then ride back home. I went out on April 9th to do my 24-mile training ride and my workout at Lifetime Fitness Gym, after which my wife would come and pick me up with my bike and we go out to lunch. So, my wife said she'd be about 5-10 minutes behind me and that she'd meet me at the gym. I have a panic button and an app. on my phone in case of emergencies and, if I am stationary and don't move for about two minutes a panic alarm will be sent to my wife. So, I am never really left alone.
My wife is never usually less than 15 minutes away from me. She's usually shopping or running some errands and I usually stay around town when I go riding. Well, that morning I was out riding and there was a little bit of traffic, and I was in the bike lane, and I see a break in between cars, so I start slowing down and I guess the car saw me and they stopped and they waved. Even though I was already slowing down from about 20 mph I started peddling back up again and, right when I started that, I got hit by the side. A pickup was pulling out of that same shopping center and when he saw that lady wave, he thought she was motioning to him and he didn't bother to look to the left in the bike lane when he pulled out, he only looked to the right. When he saw that lady wave, he gunned it and just didn't see me. Well, I was going 15, and he said he was only going 15, and I was playing for my bike to hit the middle of his truck and to let me head clear the tire. My head hit the bar that was 8-10 inches below his bumper, his right time crushed my front tire and my foot, but my face sustained three fractures, and I had a laceration in
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