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my face that also tore a nerve in my face. Now, unfortunately, I am no longer medically cleared for sports because I am now blind in my right eye and I have now suffered another brain injury and am not able to grip as much with my right arm.
My doctor, who is more of a bariatrics doctor, has always been saying that he didn't think I should be participating in sports. My wife was like, here is what he looked like before he played sports. He was on all the medications, even though he was okay on them. He never complained about them. He sat in his bed. He slept 16 hours a day. He would maybe eat when I would force him to. Otherwise I would have to IV him to get him his nutrients. Whereas now he is 175 pounds, physically fit, gets himself in and out of bed, in and out of the bathtub, on and off of the toilet, able to transfer himself, able to remember things that are outside of his normal routine, able to retain numbers and questions, all these things. And the doctor still says that he doesn't think that I should participate in sports...he's either disabled or he is not disabled. So, his interpretation of me being disabled it that I should just be curled up in a ball somewhere and dying.
It came back to proving that they weren't watching my labs properly. They weren't doing any vestibular rehabilitation. The only people that are doing anything rehabilitative wise are the Wounded Warrior Project Independence Program. They pay $3,000 for an ADA van so that I can leave the house, they have a rental power chair. The VA just provided me with a power chair but I have no way of getting out of the house with the power chair. Because of the open enrollment to be able to have assisted transportation was in February and there was no need at the time when I acquired the injury (in April), the VA said they'd reimburse me...well it takes six months to get
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