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 vice versa. Even if I make it outside, I don't have a vehicle. If Wounded Warriors helps me I am only allowed 100 miles a day. My rehabilitation training is 38 miles one way, so that pretty much takes up most of the time with very little leeway. So, my wife is having a fight and we are not happy with my deteriorating right now. I am still trying to do what I can to make the most of life. I even paid extra to the gym so that I could have a key to a room at the gym where I could store my hand-cycle and my transfer bench while I was there working out.
I have a PTSD diagnosis from my military service. I do not see it as a personal weakness; rather I experience a heightening of senses in areas where others are not. I do believe in the value of therapy, when done right. Individual therapy is a vital 1st step, followed by group therapy as you start chipping away at the concrete. Eventually you will need interaction/ acclimation back into society. Then comes personal/intimate relationships. Unfortunately, the first two steps seem to be 90% of what organizations/programs provide these days. Very few if any offers the last two steps of therapy or they just skip all four and just give you 'magic pills'. I experienced a TBI from a helicopter crash and fall. My TBI was neglected and that ended up leading to further paralysis. I also experienced vision and hearing loss, a Spinal Cord Injury (L1- S2 Incomplete), and TBI with non-epileptic seizures.
Our family actually started out with a cat. What it was is, when me and my wife first started dating, she had a cat that was her grandmothers named Teela, and that cat didn't like men at all. So, I was waiting down in her living room, and her roommate was there, and her roommate told me she had a cat but not to worry about her. While I was waiting, ten minutes went by and her cat ended up sitting on my lap and purring. So, I guess her cat figured out that I must be a good
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