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reimbursed. It costs me $358 a trip to go round-trip to the VA. They would have to pick me up at 5a.m. and I wouldn't start coming back home until 5p.m., even if it was only a 30-minute appointment first thing in the morning. I have shut down VA hospitals and airports because of PTSD issues because of feeling like I was being held hostage. So, I am pretty much on medical hold sports wise. The only things I am cleared for are Bocce and Nine-Ball. Prior to the crash in April we had gone to the VA and said god forbid, should my situation change, you aren't doing anything to help my wife. What I mean by this is my wife is the one currently helping me with transfers, etc., things a lot of paraplegics don't do.
I am tired, I am 43 years old, I am not saying I am tapping out now but, at our house, I barely fit through the doors, for my manual chair, I have to buy my own ramps and replace my ramps every few years. Can I please get the adaptive housing grant and the adaptive vehicle? The VA asks if I really need these things or am I just trying to get money...and I am a paraplegic! Now, after the crash, they seem to think there is no need for my wife to be my caregiver any more. However now they say there is a need for transportation and there is a need for a recreational therapist...someone to get me from and to events and appointments to take some stress off of my wife. There was stress on my wife because she was having to choose between being a mom, a wife/caregiver, and being a person for herself. There is the possibility of hiring home VA care where there is a VA Nurse and Doctor and they will come into your house and getting you to the VA will not be a concern. Instead they fired my wife as a Caregiver and didn't put any alternate care/support in place. So right now the only time I can leave the house is for a VA appointment. My power wheelchair is not narrow enough to get in and out of my bedroom so my wife has to transfer me to my manual wheelchair and then push me to my bed and drag me onto my bed, and
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