Page 4 - Saules_zemes_Turtai_EN
P. 4

4    4                               ŠIAULIAI

         The centre of the city, which was twice destroyed during the wars of the 20th
         century and rebuilt again, has distinct architectural heritage of the interwar pe-
         riod modernism, which has survived to this day. Šiauliai is a city-phoenix, every
         time rising from ashes.
         Discover Šiauliai and experience the magic of 3 “S”: sweets, special museums,
         and the sun.
         The symbols of the sun, scattered all over the city (sundials, stained glass, etc.),
         have become an integral part of the city. The oldest sweet factory of Lithuania,
         “Rūta”, operating for over 100 years, special museums of chocolate, photogra-
         phy, telephony, and the only such Vanda Kavaliauskienė’s Cats Museum with
         over 4000 exhibits.
         Rise with the sun and come to discover Šiauliai!
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