Page 5 - Saules_zemes_Turtai_EN
P. 5

ŠIAULIAI                 SUN  •  SWEETS  •  SPECIFIC MUSEUMS                             5  5

                                     1. ŠIAULIAI BOULEVARD
         In 1975, we were brave – the third in Europe and
         the first in Lithuania who turned the central part of
         Vilniaus Street into a boulevard. We decorated the
         pedestrian boulevard with original sculptures of small
         architecture, volumetric adverts, again pleasantly
         cheering  and  surprising  everyone  and  turning  the
         boulevard into a cosy and the most important Šiauliai
         residents’ place of leisure, recreation, entertainment,
         and trade.

                         2. ST APOSTLES PETER AND PAUL’S CATHEDRAL
         The monument of Renaissance architecture St
         Peter and Paul’s Cathedral is the most striking
         landmark of the city. The apex of the tower (its
         height is 70 m) can be seen from a distance, ap-
         proaching Šiauliai from any side.
         On May 8, 1997, by the decision of Pope John
         Paul II, Šiauliai diocese was founded. The church
         became St Apostles Peter and Paul’s Cathedral.
         One of the oldest sundials in Lithuania is con-
         structed on the southern facade of the cathedral.
           Aušros Ave. 3, Šiauliai
           55.932711, 23.319532
           +370 41 528 077
                                       3. SUNDIAL SQUARE
         The architectural ensemble consists of an am-
         phitheatre-shaped square and an 18-meter-high
         obelisk, crowned with a gilded sculpture of a
         running archer. On a sunny day, the obelisk with
         the archer’s figure turn into a gnomon [gnōmōn
         from Greek is the arrow of the sundial]. The Sun’s
         shadow moving along the dial face with metal
         numbers infused into the square (12, 3 and 6)
         shows the local time of the geographical latitude.
         The numbers indicate the date of the Battle of the
         Sun – 1236. This is when the name of Šiauliai was
         mentioned for the first time.
           Intersection of Ežero St. and
           S. Šalkauskio St., Šiauliai
           55.930723, 23.325164
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