Page 10 - Saules_zemes_Turtai_EN
P. 10

10   10                                 ŠIAULIAI

                                         ART IN THE CITY
         80 butterflies, a runaway hairstyle of a princess, a fox, pigeons, burning armour or a worker – these are the hints of
         what to look for on the walls of buildings. Have you ever seen balconies adorned with street art drawings? You will
         find them on the boulevard – raise your heads.
         Green but not grass, with a tail but not a mouse and not a cucumber at all. What? You will see a chameleon that has
         squirmed in a tree on the boulevard. There are even more unexpectedly sized animal sculptures in the city. They
         all make up the street “zoo”.
         Volumetric advertisements are an exceptional legacy found only in Šiauliai: black cancer on a pack of cigarettes,
         warning of the harm of smoking; two giant books “placed” on a column; or five black cats “walking” on the roof
         of a pharmacy.
         Let us stop at the city’s clock “Gaidys” (“A Cock”). “Gaidys” not only sings but also welcomes passers-by in English,
         German, French, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Romani, and other languages at midday and 6 p.m.
         There is  ...a shoe tree growing in Šiauliai! When the cycling and skateboarding season is over, teenagers throw their
         shoes on the tree branches. This recurs year after year. We are going to look for it!
         You will find all information about artistic accents and other places of interest in Šiauliai on the portal

                                                                               “My Shoes”
                                       “80 butterflies”                  “Falcon’s sharp eye…”
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