Page 10 - IDC
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10                                                                                                                                                                                                  CITY PRESS, 22 NOVEMBER, 2015

             news                                                                          Tony Abbott: For small businesspeople, less paperwork means

                                                                                                   higher profits, boosted sales and more time with the family

                                                                                                                               PROJECT IN                                            The IDC’s

                                                                                                                             PARTNERSHIP                                             manufacturing
                                                                                                                                 WITH  THE                                           industry funding
                                                                                                                                   IDC                                                             Number of businesses  706

                                                                                                                                                                                                      funded since 2010:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Number of businesses  137
                                                                                                                                                                                                      funded in 2014/15:
                                                                                                                                                                                     Total investment since 2010:
                                                                                                                                                                                     R25.872 billion

                                                                                                                                                                                     Total investment in 2014/15:
                                                                                                                                                                                     R5.067 billion

                                                                                                                                                                                                 created since 2010: 48 071
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Number of jobs
                                                                                                                                                                                                 created in 2014/15: 7 009
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Number of jobs

                                                                                                                                                                                     24 511       Number of jobs saved since 2010:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          = 1 000
                                                                                                                                                                                     3 431      Number of jobs saved in 2014/15:

         COUNTING  THE  COST  Integrated  aviation  manufacturing  company  Aerosud  has  survived  the  tough  times,  but  had  to  shed  jobs  to  do  so   PHOTO:  LEON  SADIKI

                      Mixed fortunes                                                                                                                                                 Businesses owned by women            = 100

                                                                                                                                                                                           Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                    businesses funded:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    R463.9 million
                                                                                                                                                                                               Total  49
                                     for Aerosud                                                                                                                                     Where those factories are:
                                                                                                                                                                                     Number of businesses: 265
                                                                                                                                                                                     Investment value:
                                                                                                                                                                                     R12.53 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                     Jobs created and saved: 35 501

                                                                                                                                                                                     Free State
            Payment delays and technical problems nearly sank the company, but                                                                                                       Number of businesses: 7
                                                                                                                                                                                     Investment value:
                                                                                                                                                                                     R952.1 million
                      thanks to intervention by the IDC, it is now in recovery mode                                                                                                  Jobs created and saved: 1 554

                                                                                                                                                                                     North West
                                                                                                                                                                                     Number of businesses: 15
                                                                                                                                                                                     Investment value:
         ZINHLE MAPUMULO                                                                                                                                                             R128.9 billion
                                                                  From grass to grace                           Had to work twice as hard                                            Jobs created and saved: 729
                    very month, Aerosud produces 4 500 parts                                                                                                                         Limpopo
                    for Boeing aircraft, 10 000 for Airbus,                                                                                                                          Number of businesses: 17
                    25 000 parts for Safran Labinal Power  Peter Ditsele                                      Lydia  Ledingwane                                                      Investment value:
                    Systems and 50 000 for Spirit Aerosystems.                                                                                                                       R1.01 billion
                     But five years ago, the company nearly  Ten years ago, he was a security guard and       Ledingwane grew up poor. Sometimes she                                 Jobs created and saved: 1 143
         Ecollapsed, leaving more than 800                lived in an informal settlement in                  and her three siblings, children of a bus-
         employees jobless.                               Soshanguve. Today, he owns the                      driver father and unemployed mother,                                   KwaZulu-Natal
           Formed in 1990, Aerosud manufactures aviation-specific  company that provides security services    would come home from school and                                        Number of businesses: 136
         parts covering everything from structural fabrications,   to multibillion-rand aviation parts        there would be no food.                                                Investment value:
         composites, thermoplastics and airline interior systems to   manufacturer Aerosud.                     Ledingwane (33) was determined to                                    R3.46 billion
         cockpit linings, cargo linings, wing tips and galleys – 98%   Ditsele (38) began working for         work hard so that one day she’d take                                   Jobs created and saved: 10 626
         of which are exported. The company has an annual   Aerosud in 2005, earning R1 200 a                 her family out of poverty. After matric,
         turnover of more than R1 billion.                month. Now he is responsible for securing           she studied to be a heavy-current                                      Mpumalanga
           Aerosud found itself in a major financial mess in 2010   the company’s premises – a sprawling      electrician at Pretoria West College, hoping it                        Number of businesses: 25
         after work on delivering components for the A400M   collection of office buildings and workshops.    would be her ticket out of poverty.                                    Investment value:
         military transport to the French Air Force stalled.   Ditsele is the owner and managing director of Ratabatho Security   But after the three-year course, she struggled for two years to find  R572.2 million
           Managing director Johan Steyn said: “This had to do   Services, which employs 15 men and women. He attributes his rise “from  a job.                                      Jobs created and saved: 1 637
         with issues of bringing a really complex system such as   grass to grace” to the management of the company, who believed in him.  Then she learnt of an opportunity for an apprenticeship at Aerosud.
         an aircraft into being. It simply took much more effort   “I loved my job not only because it was putting food on the table for  The company was looking for young people willing to study aircraft   Eastern Cape
         than what they anticipated and they literally had   me, my wife and two kids, but because it gave something to look   sheet metal structure at Centurion College. She knew nothing about   Number of businesses: 45
         hundreds of suppliers worldwide designing such a   forward to,” he said. “I wanted to live a better life.”  the subject, but grabbed the chance.                            Investment value:
         product in a real-time collaborative design space.”  Last year, Ditsele registered his security company. Armed with various  Ledingwane excelled and, by November 2005, was employed as a   R2.8 billion
           The French Air Force awarded Aerosud a massive   short-course qualifications in security, which Aerosud had sent him on   process operator assembling aircraft parts. Soon after, she was sent   Jobs created and saved: 4 334
         tender in 2006 to produce its fuselage linings, cockpit   over the years, he felt ready to be the boss.  to the Denel Centre for Learning and Development as part of an
         linings, galleys and wing tips for the full lifespan of its   In May, he resigned, but not before submitting his proposal to   artisan apprenticeship programme.            Western Cape
         A400M. Aerosud worked together with local companies   management. He promised to do things differently: proper access   She returned to Aerosud a year later as a qualified artisan, one of   Number of businesses: 184
         Denel Aerostructures and Cobham SA, as well as other   control, searching all cars, escorting visitors to reception and searching   20 a year the company was training.     Investment value:
         international companies in the deal.             staff as they left for the day, as “sometimes things would go missing”.  She worked her way up the ranks and today is a facility manager at  R3.442 billion
           “This was one of the biggest deals we had ever   “I knew the 10-year contract between Aerosud and the existing   the company – one of two women in managerial positions.   Jobs created and saved: 17 058
         received, not only because of the capital involved but   security company was coming to an end and leveraged the opportunity.”  But her rise to the top has not been easy. “I have had to work
         [because of] the fact that we were a risk-share partner in   Management was so impressed that they gave Ratabatho Security   twice as hard ... because the job I do is dominated by males,” she said.  Mali  Russia
         the A400M program – meaning that should anything go   Services the contract. Ditsele and his team began work on June 1.  “I guess what made me go forward was knowing where I came   Number of businesses: 1  Number of businesses: 1
         wrong, it would affect us negatively as well,” said Steyn.  Ditsele says that, for the first time in his life, he is not worried about   from and what I wanted in life.         Investment value:  Investment value:
           “We did our best in delivering as per the contract, but  what his family will eat. They have moved out of their shack into an   “I know my parents did the best they could for us under the   R159.1 million  R95.8 million
         due to the high level of borrowings on operating capital   eight-room house he built in Soshanguve.  circumstances and I am forever grateful to them. But to ensure that
         for the A400M programme during 2007 and 2010, a   Aerosud managing director Johan Steyn says they could not resist   the vicious circle was broken, I had to study and work even harder.”
         significant risk was realised in 2010. This was when the   Ditsele’s proposal. “We saw an opportunity for enterprise development in   Ledingwane thanks her bosses and colleagues for pushing her.
         programme was delayed by three years due to design   uplifting Peter to step up and form his own small business. We provide   “If they had not seen what was inside of me and allowed me to
         and technical development issues.”               certain services to him, such as human resources and financial   grow, I would not be sitting at board meetings with top management
           Jaco Olivier, financial director at Aerosud, describes the  [assistance] and he was coached in running a small business.”  deciding on important matters for the company.”
         delay, which “nearly caused Aerosud’s death”.
           The company defaulted on an accumulated loan of
         R55 million from the IDC, which they took to finance
         their expansion programme.                     SA manufacturing must boom again
           Fortunately, said Steyn, “the IDC understood what was
         happening and it sort of gave us a ‘holiday payment’,
         allowing us time to recover”.
           “Between 2011 and 2012, the company managed to get  The  manufacturing  sector  employs  about  1.75 million  people,   manufacturing sector employed nearly 360 000 fewer workers
         a fair settlement with the customer and was then able to   and  last  year  accounted  for  55%  of  the  national  export  basket.  than it did at the start of 2008. Despite this, it still accounted for   Ethiopia
         resume the repayments,” said Steyn.             But the sector’s contribution has declined since the 1990s,   11.4% of overall jobs.                                                                   Number of
           Although the A400M project nearly caused Aerosud’s   unlike other developing regions, where manufacturing’s share in   It is therefore crucial for local manufacturers to expand their               businesses: 1
         death, it also taught it valuable lessons.     overall gross domestic product (GDP) is more than double that of   global reach beyond traditional export markets.                                      Investment value:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                R157.4 million
           “After the turbulence in 2010, we came out stronger on  ours.                                        South Africa’s trade with the rest of the world remains highly
         the other side and learnt to be more efficient. This   Last year, manufacturing accounted for 13.3% of South Africa’s  concentrated, with the products of the 10 largest manufacturing             Rwanda
         period forced us to focus our strategies and set positive   GDP.                                     sectors accounting for almost 70% of exports. Last year, the top                              Number of businesses: 1
         growth targets,” said Steyn.                    It is imperative that the downward trend in manufacturing’s   10 accounted for 63% of manufacturing exports, dominated by                          Investment value:
           Unfortunately, this included retrenchments. From a   contribution be arrested and reversed.        motor vehicles and basic iron and steel. Manufactured exports                                 R95.8 million
         staff of 850, including engineers, technicians, aerospace   The sector’s performance has been hindered in recent years by  mainly go to the rest of Africa, the EU and the US.       Namibia       Mozambique
         artisans and skilled machine and process operators, 660   weak demand from global markets and increased competition   According to IDC estimates, South Africa’s exports to the rest   Number of businesses: 3  Number of businesses: 3
         people remain.                                 from imported products.                               of Africa totalled about R290 billion last year, involving 241 000          Investment value:  Investment value:
           The IDC now has a 26% equity stake in Aerosud   A weaker currency should lead to improved competitiveness   direct jobs in the South African economy.                          R92.1 million     R232.7 million
         Holdings and its subsidiaries, Aerosud Aviation and   and export performance, but with continued economic weakness   The manufacturing sector’s role in accelerating economic
         African Non-Destructive Testing, a move that allowed   in the Eurozone, demand for South African goods has remained   growth and contributing to transformation is recognised in the   Lesotho     Swaziland
         them to make 200 black employees equity shareholders   muted. Local consumption is also under pressure.   National Development Plan and the New Growth Path, and            Number of businesses: 1  Number of businesses: 2
         in the organisation.                            With weak economic growth, a deteriorating consumer   manufacturing enterprises are benefiting from strategic support            Investment value:  Investment value:
            . This series is reported by City Press and sponsored by  environment, strikes in key sectors, rising operating costs and   under the National Industrial Policy Framework and its three-year   R1.7 million  R338.8 million
                                               the IDC  low business confidence, by the end of last year the   rolling Industrial Policy Action Plans. –  IDC                                                 THEUNS KRUGER, Graphics24
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