Page 18 - IDC
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14                                                                                                                                                                                                   CITY PRESS, 28 FEBRUARY, 2016

                             Herbie Hancock: I’ve had a life that has taken many interesting paths. I’ve learnt a lot

                       from mentors who were instrumental in shaping me, and I want to share what I’ve learnt

         AVANTIKA  SEETH                                                                                                                                                                                         OPINION

                   or Masasa Makhetha, who was born and raised
                   in Ficksburg, a small town nestled at the foot of                                                                                                   Quandary about
                   the Imperani Mountain in the Free State, life was
                     In 1999, his matric year, he moved to the
         FMpumalanga town of Secunda to live                                                                                                                                     jobs for youth
         with his sister. A car accident had left his
         policeman father unable to work and his
         mother was a domestic worker. The
         family was left to survive on their             A                                                                                                                          JORGE MAIA
         government pensions.                                                                                                                                             
           Despite this, Makhetha managed      PROJECT IN
         to complete his BCom degree at                                                                                                                                             The creation of employment opportunities, swiftly and
         the University of Pretoria in 2002.   PARTNERSHIP                                                                                                                          sustainably, remains the fundamental intervention needed
         He says that times were tough,                                                                                                                                             to integrate South Africa’s unemployed youth into the
         and he managed to fund his                                                                                                                                                 formal economy.
         studies through the National            WITH THE                                                                                                                             Subdued rates of economic growth since the 2008/09
         Student Financial Aid Scheme as                                                                                                                                            recession and the relatively weak performances of key
         well as a study loan that his sister                                                                                                                                       labour-intensive segments of the economy have further
         took out on his behalf.                 IDC                                                                                                                                compromised its labour-absorption capacity. This is not
           But his slog paid off and today                                                                                                                                          simply a function of the economic cycle, but is also
         Makhetha (34) is the proud owner of                                                                                                                                        reflective of distinct and deep structural problems.
         Thasasa (Pty) Ltd, a company based in                                                                                                                                        South Africa’s youth has been most affected and the
         Mpumalanga servicing the mining industry                                                                                                                                   challenge has been intensifying as new entrants join the
         by providing structural steel products and other                                                                                                                           labour force year after year. An expanding youth
         services.                                                                                                                                                                  population relative to the overall population, combined
           Before starting his business, Makhetha completed his                                                                                                                     with a decline in the youth’s share of total employment,
         articles at auditing firm KPMG and went on to work for                                                                                                                     resulted in higher youth unemployment rates over time.
         mining company Delmas Coal, a subsidiary of Kuyasa Mining.                                                                                                                   While relatively low levels of education among the
         It was here that he was exposed to the mining sector and                                                                                                                   youth tend to reduce their employability, the persistently
         gained the skills and know-how to start his business.   KICK-START  The  IDC  supports  businesses  and  entrepreneurs  that  show  initiative  and  promise  PHOTO:  LEON  SADIKI  high youth unemployment rate also reflects the mismatch
           He attributes a lot of his success and business acumen to                                                                                                                between the skills of jobseekers and those required by
         Ayanda Bam, director and owner of Kuyasa mining.                                                                                                                           the economy.
           In 2011, he resigned and registered Thasasa after realising                                                                                                                In an economy that is increasingly requiring higher
         the availability of opportunities for black men in the mining   Young and                                                                                                  levels of quality education and specialised skills,
         sector. The company started trading in 2013.                                                                                                                               unemployment rates are noticeably higher for youth than
           Makhetha’s company specialises in the manufacturing and                                                                                                                  for adults, across all education levels. Furthermore,
         installation of ventilation structures for underground systems                                                                                                             employability rises with the level of education, but the
         in the mines.                                                                                                                                                              success rates are substantially higher for those who are
           He says the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has                                                                                                                 35 years of age and older.
                                                                                                                                                                                      The Industrial Development Corporation’s research
         played a pivotal role in the success of Thasasa, which employs                                                                                                             team has analysed youth employment trends across nine
         Mining, which has showed interest, and other small mining  ambitious                                                                                                       broad sectors of the South African economy to ascertain
         90 people.
           “When we started, it was 30 [employees] and, as we got
         more jobs, we increased our employees to 90. After we
                                                                                                                                                                                    recent developments in their labour absorption and
         received funding from the IDC, a couple of other clients
                                                                                                                                                                                    youth participation in their overall employment.
         became interested in us. I’m already working with Glencore
                                                                                                                                                                                      We also aimed to identify the potential for integrating
         underground mining and I am at the final stage with Sasol
                                                                                                                                                                                    sectors in the years ahead.
                                                                                                                                                                                      The sectors were ranked according to the expected
         houses,” he says.                                                                                                                                                          unemployed youth within the workforces of these broad
           Makhetha’s company name has an interesting history of its                                                                                                                       potential for youth employment creation over
           “When I started with the company, I was with a lady called Life was hard, but Masasa Makhetha made the                                                                               to hold the highest potential to create jobs
         own.                                                                                                                                                                                 the next few years. The sectors considered
         Thandi, and so Thasasa is a combination of her name and my                                                                                                                              for youth are services related, with
         name, although I am no longer with her,” he laughs.  most of opportunities. Never give up, he advises,                                                                                   business services expected to achieve
           Makhetha’s journey to being a business owner hasn’t been                                                                                                                               the most gains by a large margin. This
         without its problems though.                         and always make time to consult your mentors                                                                                        would include opportunities created
           “As a young entrepreneur, you face the challenges of                                                                                                                                   through the establishment of youth-
         understanding the market and how to break into a white-                                                                                                                                  owned enterprises across various types
         dominated industry.                                                                                                                                                                     of business services.
           “Also to us blacks, as a young person being your employer,  “Because of their contribution, I’d also like to thank the   mines, so I’ve got contracts with Glencore and AngloGold, and   Although adversely affected by the
         and you are older than him, is one challenge which has been   IDC. They funded me with R6.2 million, part of which was for   other small mines. It hasn’t been funded by the IDC yet. It   unfavourable economic environment in the
         difficult to navigate. Your behaviour in the work environment   equipment and machinery, and half was for salaries, materials   currently employs 14 people, and I have already notified the   short term, the trade (retail and
         also counts, wherever you go, there are people looking up to   and other running costs. The good thing about them is,   IDC about approaching them for funding.     JORGE  MAIA          wholesale), catering and
         you,” he says.                                      should I be successful with securing additional contracts, the   His advice to other young entrepreneurs is simple.                  accommodation sector was also
           Makhetha says the process of applying for funding from the  IDC is willing to buy me more equipment.”   “If you want to open a business, you need to be motivated        expected to create a substantial number of job
         IDC wasn’t arduous.                                  Makhetha has invested plenty of time and energy into   first of all. You need to be disciplined and from time to time   opportunities for the youth in the years ahead.
           “It took me three months to get the funding. I knew about  growing his company, and has plans to expand.   seek advice from people who have made it to show you the        The sectors that show moderate potential for job
         the IDC for a long time and I also got referred to them by   “I’m looking at diversifying the business, looking for more   right direction. Never give up because you will experience   creation for the youth are government and social
         other guys who had dealt with the IDC.              opportunities outside the mining industry,” he pauses before   tough times. Believe in yourself. If I managed to make it, you   services, building construction and agriculture, forestry
           “I found a consultant at the IDC who helped me with my   explaining about another business venture.   can make it as well.”                                              and fishing. These sectors have the capacity to employ
         application. He was very happy to assist and the application   “By the way, I have another company; an engineering           This  project  is  reported  by  City  Press  young unskilled and semiskilled workers.
         went through successfully.                          company registered in 2014. We manufacture products for the                      and  sponsored  by  the  IDC            The provision of services to communities by
                                                                                                                                                                                    municipalities may also bring about employment
                                                                                                                                                                                    opportunities in areas where the unemployed youth are
                                                                                                                                                                                    residing, limiting the need for economic migration.
         From teen mum to successful entrepreneur                                                                                                                                   intensive sectors of the economy. Although afflicted by
                                                                                                                                                                                      The agricultural sector is still one of the most labour-
                                                                                                                                                                                    the worst drought on record, this sector is uniquely
                                                                                                                                                                                    positioned to absorb unskilled young workers mostly in
         AVANTIKA SEETH                                                                                          are female. There was plenty of discrimination. I even get it      rural areas, while also increasing food security and rural
                                                                                                                                                                                    income levels.
                                                                                                                                                                                      The subsectors that are envisaged to create job                                                                          from my own employees sometimes. Now that I’m married,             opportunities include the high-valued agricultural
                                                                                                                 they prefer to speak to my husband when they want increases,
         When Ntombizanele Matome fell pregnant in Grade 11, she   R1.7m                                         not realising I’m the one who is running the company,” she         subsectors such as fruits and vegetables. However, the
         made a promise to her mother that she would still make                                                  laughs.                                                            employment opportunities in agriculture could be of a
         something of herself.                                                                                    Matome has learnt how to navigate the tough mining                more seasonal nature.
           After the Rustenburg-born woman gave birth to her son in                                              business.                                                            Our employment projections indicate that the potential
         July of her matric year, she found a part-time job at a doctor’s   Ntombizanele  Matome  needed  funding  for  a  contract   “It has its ups and downs. You must be prepared. When   held by manufacturing sectors is generally more limited,
         practice as a receptionist, which paid R750 a month.     and  approached  the  IDC,  which  approved  a   there were those platinum strikes, my company went under. It     relative to service- and agriculture-related activities, due
           Cleaning the surgery and making appointments for patients   R1.7 million  loan.  She  used  the  loan  for  equipment   is out of your control. You get paid for the job you have done. I  to their higher capital-intensity, operational and other
         allowed her to provide for her baby. She kept going to school   and  working  capital.  The  low  interest  rates  offered   decided to diversify so that when the strikes happen next time,   competitiveness challenges.
         and, with her family’s support, matriculated with a Bachelor’s   by  the  IDC  are  really  helpful,  she  says  I am able to provide other services. I am an entrepreneur so I   However, opportunities for youth employment do exist
         pass and enrolled at university the following year.                                                     have to think out of the box.”                                     in various industries.
           But after two years at Rand Afrikaans University (now the                                              Matome needed funding for a contract and approached the             Global experience has also shown that increasing the
         University of Johannesburg), she dropped out to start a civil                                           IDC, which approved a R1.7 million loan. She used the loan for     skills levels of the youth and/or assisting them to obtain,
         construction company with her sister when she was just 21.   environment, but he instilled in us a sense of pride as an   equipment and working capital. The low interest rates offered   or possibly even providing, initial employment experience
           After two years of battling to secure contracts, she looked for  African in the sense that you can do anything.   by the IDC are really helpful, she says.               are a means towards improving their employability.
         a job and landed one at Sasol, where she worked in the   “He taught us how to play chess, which made us see that   “The IDC has workshops where you get assistance and       A range of policies, strategies and mechanisms are in
         procurement department for another two years. She resigned in   there’s always another way to get around things ... We knew   mentorship, so they are really great at giving advice. After I   place in South Africa to support skills development,
         2004, but during her time there, met her husband, a chemical   that the sky was the limit. He really inspired us.”  submitted my business plan and they did a due diligence, it was   among other important factors, so as to enhance the
         engineer.                                            Matome’s company specialises in offering support and   about three months before I received my funding. It depends    employability of the youth. What is required in many
           Today Matome (34) is the proud business owner of Basadi   logistical services to the mining industry, especially the platinum   on the complexity of your project though, because I have   instances is effective implementation.
         Underground Contractors (Pty) Ltd, and the boss of 13   mines in and around Rustenburg. Her company was established   friends who are still waiting for their funding to come through.”   However, addressing youth unemployment in the
         employees.                                          in 2008 as a close corporation, but in 2010 she converted it to   Matome’s plans include growing her human capital and   absence of an overarching unemployment strategy will
           As a young black woman growing up in apartheid South   a proprietorship. The name Basadi, meaning women, has   expanding the services offered by her company. She believes in   not achieve the desired effect, as a number of
         Africa, Matome speaks of her journey to becoming a business   personal significance for Matome. She believes there are not   the potential of young black people.          international studies have indicated that youth
         owner and how she managed to break the mould.       enough female entrepreneurs and that it’s difficult, particularly   “We must start to create sustainable businesses. My black   unemployment is highly correlated to total
           “I am an avid reader, so I told myself that circumstances   for black women, to make it in mining.    brothers and sisters, that is my dream. If you can build           unemployment.
         were not going to control where I’m going in life. My role   “I faced many challenges. There was lack of funding and   sustainable businesses that will become empires, it will be                    Maia is head of research
         model is my late father. We didn’t grow up in a rich   opportunities. You go to those mines, you are black and you   amazing. It’s inherent in us. We can do it.”                                   and information at the IDC

         Employing SA’s youth                                                                                            Sectors with higher youth employment ratios include:

         19.8 million                                            6.4                                    88%
                                                                 6.4 millionmillion

         of SA’s 54 million                                      youths of employable                   of youths had an
                                                                 age were in jobs in Q4
         people are between      = 1 million                     2015                                   education
         the ages of 15 and 34*                                                                         equivalent to
                                                                                                        Grade 12 or
                                                                                                        below in Q3 2015   Agriculture and     Wholesale and           Construction          Electricity, gas  Finance, real estate
                                                                                                                           food processing      retail trade                                   and water      and business services

                                                                 The youth                              Trade and
                                                                 unemployment rate is                   accommodation                                                                                   The sectors with the highest
                                                                 2.25                                   sectors employed   In agriculture and                   In the construction sector, the         potential to create jobs for
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the youth are services
                                                                                                                          in Q3 2015 of those
                                                                 times higher than                      of all youths with  food processing, 46%  Catering and  youth’s share of unemployment           related, with youth-owned
                                                                                                                                                                                                        enterprises offering great
                                                                                                                                                                dropped from 52.5% in 2008
         *Numbers based on 2015 figures                           the adult rate                         jobs in Q3 2015   employed are youth  Accommodation         to 46% in Q3 2015                   opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                              THEUNS KRUGER, Graphics24
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