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8                                                                                                                                                                                                      CITY PRESS, 26 JUNE, 2016

                PROJECT IN


                  WITH THE


         Hard work, help from

           the Awethu Project

           and a loan from the

            Youth Fund helped

           Thulani Ntshuntshe

         grow his start-up into

              a successful and

          profitable company

                                                        BORN  FOR  IT  Entrepreneur  Thulani  Ntshuntshe  no  longer  dreams  of  a  house  in  Sandton;  he  wants  to  ‘live  for  something  that  is  bigger  than  myself’   PHOTO:  EUGENE  GODDARD

                                                            R89m                               R142.5m R969.7m
         CHRISTINA KENNEDY                                                                                                                                                     OPINION
                         hen Thulani Ntshuntshe was 13, he                                                                                                                            Youth vital
                         would charge the girls 50c each and  IDC APPROVALS FOR                     IDC APPROVALS FOR                            IDC APPROVALS FOR
                         run to the school tuck shop to buy    YOUTH-OWNED                              YOUTH-OWNED                                  YOUTH-OWNED
                         food for them so they could avoid                                                                                                                            for growth
                         the queues. Then he would buy his       BUSINESSES                              BUSINESSES                                   BUSINESSES
         Wown lunch from the proceeds.                           IN 2013/14                               IN 2014/15                                   IN 2015/16
           The following year, this enterprising youngster upped
         his game and became a “loan shark” of sorts: he would                                                                                                                        We face an economic crisis that is difficult to ignore. While
         go to his school in Johannesburg’s northeastern suburbs                                                                                                                      this crisis is one of faltering growth amid a slowing global
         with a bag full of coins, and for every R1 he lent his                                                                                                                       economy, the more pressing issue is youth employment.
         school friends to buy sweets, he demanded they repay                            He’s all                                                                                       Imagine, for a moment, being one of the 5.6 million
         him R2.                                                                                                                                                                      young people who find themselves unemployed. What can
           “It was built on zero knowledge of interest rates – on                                                                                                                     be done to address this situation?
         both sides,” the 26-year-old entrepreneur chuckles today,                                                                                                                      Yes, we need to get the economy growing at a faster
         more than 10 years later.                                                                                                                                                    rate so new jobs can be created. And government has
           “But I managed to make more money from that than                                                                                                                           introduced the youth wage subsidy to encourage
         from my pocket money. I think that is where the                                                                                                                              employers to create jobs for the youth.
         entrepreneurship bug bit.”                                                                                                                                                     But what is desperately needed is a concerted,
           Today, Ntshuntshe is CEO and co-founder of Five Star                                                                                                                       sustained effort to create an environment that produces
         Fire, which supplies and maintains portable firefighting      fired up for                                                                                                   jobs and allows young people to acquire skills and branch
         equipment for businesses in the greater Johannesburg                                                                                                                         out on their own through entrepreneurship.
         area. The firm inspects and tests fire extinguishers, hose                                                                                                                     Youth participation in the formal economy is not a mere
         reels and hydrants to ensure they comply with safety                                                                                                                         token – it is at the core of the role the Industrial
         regulations.                                                                                                                                                                 Development Corporation (IDC) must assume.
           Operating from offices in the historic Constitution Hill                                                                                                                     Over the past three years, the IDC has committed
         precinct in Braamfontein, Five Star Fire’s clients range                                                                                                                     more than R1.2 billion in support of youth-owned
         from owners of private residences to large corporates                                                                                                                        businesses. We are making an additional R4.5 billion
         such as Nestlé.                                                                                                                                                              available over the next five years to finance these types
           This start-up was born thanks to the mentorship of the                 business                                                                                            of businesses.
         Awethu Project, a business incubator, as well as a                                                                                                                             It is no secret that access to funding is one of the
         R1.3 million loan from the Youth Fund – which was                                                                                                                            major stumbling blocks for new businesses. Because of
         jointly set up by the Small Enterprise Finance Agency                                                                                                                        the IDC’s mandate of stimulating the economy, we are
         (Sefa), the Industrial Development Corporation and the                                                                                                                       able to take a more patient approach and offer
         National Youth Development Agency to ignite a new                                                                                                                            preferential lending rates.
         generation of business go-getters.                                                                                                                                             This is not to say we are not thorough. We wish to help
           But it has not always been plain sailing for Ntshuntshe,                                                                                                                   businesses grow so they can support not only the
         though he maintains he is grateful for the pitfalls he has    eco-friendly carwash service in the basement parking of   “It is also a result of the sacrifices that are made   founders, but also their start-up so it can flourish and
         encountered along the way.                                    Constitution Hill, with R5 000 in seed funding.   behind the scenes.                                           attract more jobs. This demands stringent assessments of
           Born in Tembisa on the East Rand, he completed high           “By the end of three months, we had expanded our   “I used to dream of having a posh house in Sandton,       entrepreneurs’ ability to build sustainable businesses.
         school in Highlands North and enrolled to study human         services to Maboneng and I had five guys working for me.”  but now my sole purpose is to directly or indirectly   Given our role as a development finance institution, we
         resources at the Tshwane University of Technology. But          A year later, having confirmed that this young man   enhance someone else’s life – to live for something that   support these businesses to ensure they receive all the
         he dropped out in his first year, realising he was not cut    had talent, Awethu helped him secure the Sefa   is bigger than myself,” he says.                               necessary nonfinancial support as well.
         out for it.                                                   investment to start Five Star Fire – matching his   “We are using this investment fund as a vehicle to           This is all well and good, but for South Africa to truly
           “I met someone from high school and we decided to           personality and skills with a crackerjack business idea.   build entrepreneurs, who will subsequently become role   benefit from and address the challenge of youth
         do something entrepreneurial together. We ran a                 The business started in April 2014. A year later, it had  models to their peers and the younger generation.”   unemployment, initiatives such as the national youth
         construction company for four years,” he recalls.             already quadrupled its monthly revenues – and now even                                                         conference – which we are convening in September –
           “We kept throwing money into it and it never took off,      has a mobile app.                              TALK TO US                                                      have to be emulated by more than one institution.
         but the lessons we learnt were invaluable.”                     Ntshuntshe currently has two permanent staff members  In which sectors of the economy do you think there are   I put this challenge to our partners in the private and
           Somewhat disillusioned but not bowed, his interest was      and employs several subcontractors and part-time workers.  opportunities for young business people?            public sectors: let us join hands to actively seek workable
         piqued when Awethu invited him to attend a presentation         “To build a successful business, you need good   SMS us on 35697 using the keyword OPPORTUNITY and tell      solutions. – Zama Luthuli, IDC
         – and even offered to reimburse his taxi fare.                leadership, which I define as a vision deeply rooted in   us what you think. Please include your name and province.       Visit or call 0860 693 888
           Awethu eventually helped him set up a mobile                purpose and conviction,” he says.              SMSes cost R1.50

                     Using his passion to prepare his nest egg

         LIESL PRETORIUS                                                                                                                                                            prove himself – at one point surprising his family by
                                                                         ‘Love your chickens and they will reward you’                                                                                                                                                   appearing on television without prior notice.
                                                                                                                                                                                      After matric, when Eric was unsure how to get a tertiary
         Eric Thoka’s tiny home village is more than 300km from                                                                                                                     education without money, he took time out to research
         Johannesburg, where he works in television.                                                                                                                                and plan his journey. Armed with a National Student
           But rural Ga-Mphahlele in Limpopo is never far from           Ruth Mylroie is a chicken farmer and the owner of New   . You need to have a reliable incubator (with reliable   Financial Aid Scheme (Nsfas) loan, he went to study drama
         the 25-year-old’s thoughts. He dreams of starting a             Harmony Farm in Magaliesburg, Gauteng.       electricity), and the moisture content and temperature need   at the Tshwane University of Technology while staying
         chicken farm, which would create employment in an area            “I have been a chicken farmer for five years. I have been  to be monitored carefully. One mistake costs you   with a cousin in a hostel in Tembisa, on the East Rand.
         where youth unemployment is rife and “internet access is        in the classroom and made the mistakes. I have been   everything, plus time lost.                            “I was a village boy from Limpopo. It was an eye-
         a luxury”.                                                      knocked down and faced [questions] that no one can answer   . Find a good supplier of day-old chickens:    opener. Everything was foreign,” he says.
           We sit and chat on a bright red couch at Endemol              because I was free-ranging my chickens,” she says.   they would have been given the right                    In his second year, he gained access to a residence, but
         Shine Africa in Joburg, where Eric is an intern at the            This is her advice for Eric:               medication.                                                   had to drop out shortly thereafter – because only half of
         production company’s academy.                                     . Start small. Why? You need to understand how to   . Keeping chickens warm for the first                his Nsfas money for the previous year had been paid.
           Portraits of famous faces on local television, such as        grow chickens properly; you lose less while learning.  five days is crucial to their future growth.          “If you do not have a qualification, you have to work
         Isidingo actor Darlington Michaels (who plays Georgie             . Find your market. Try not to travel far; be the best   . Find a good supplier of chicken feed.         harder than ever,” Eric says, explaining how he
         Zamdela) and Ed Jordan (remember the show Deal or No            close to home.                                . Make sure chickens can be locked up                        supported himself by writing for TV shows.
         Deal?) adorn the walls.                                           . Know your market. Do your potential customers want  at night to keep them warm and safe.                 In 2014, he spotted an opportunity to apply for
           “TV seems glamorous from the outside, but I have a            smaller or bigger chickens? Do they want them slaughtered   . Make the area secure from predators          funding from the department of arts and culture. He
         bigger goal,” Eric says, referring to his farming plans.        or live?                                     such as dogs, hawks and jackals.                              became the festival director of the PopArt public art
           He remembers a chicken farm that was once a lifeline to           . Be passionate about chicken farming. You need to  . Water must be available 24/7 for                 festival in Pretoria. Having managed this R400 000
         many in his community. “It just shut down,” he says.               monitor the chickens daily. One sick chicken today will  chickens. It is even more important than       project has given Eric confidence that he can work with
           In an attempt to create opportunities for young                    be seven tomorrow. By day three, it will be out of  food. Chickens will not eat if there is no        “that kind of money”.
         people back home – beyond digging toilets or                          control.                               water.                                                          Eric says there are many opportunities for entrepreneurs,
         becoming drivers – he has started the company                           . Find out everything you can about chickens.  On a personal note, Mylroie says:                   but they are not free. Some incubators require you to be
         BaswaTemong (Young People in Farming) along                           Ask questions and do online research. Never stop  .  Be your own person. Why pay                     present daily, which means you are unable to work to pay
         with Phologo Mphalele, a friend from Limpopo,                         questioning, and never stop learning.  franchise fees and fall into a mould?                         your rent. Other opportunities require registration or
         and Kefiloe Bopape.                                                     . Be consistent and reliable so you can instil  . Produce a good product, at a fair price,           monthly fees – or only support those already trading.
           Kefiloe is the entrepreneur behind the Life After                    confidence in your customers.         close to home.                                                      To get his business plan up to scratch, he has
         Matric project, which aims to prepare young people                       According to Mylroie, there are specific  . Take advice regarding the business plan,                    approached an agency, for which “you have to
         “for a better, purpose-filled and passionate future”.                  challenges Eric should be prepared for:  but you do not own it until you have worked                         pop out money”, he says.
           It is a good business match, Eric says, because they are              . Building a zinc chicken house. These are hot in  through it; it is your business.                            At the same time, he is saving to buy
         both interested in community development.                             summer and cold in winter, so you need a lot of  . Open a bank account and keep control of                        land for the chicken farm.
           How did Eric go from TV to chickens?                              power and mechanics to control the temperature,   your money.                                                          Perseverance has served him well.
           He chose the entertainment business in Grade 10. The             which is crucial for raising young chickens. Instead, a  . Ensure you have enough money to                               He says if people do not answer
         reaction from Eric’s mum, a domestic worker at the time,            brick house with a tile roof will keep chickens cool in  replenish stock.                                                your emails or calls, knock on
         and his unemployed father was: “Your sister is going                      summer and warm in winter, with the  . Love your chickens and they will reward                                      doors. “Make the person
         to be a scientist and you want to be a clown?”                             minimum heating required.         you.                                    Eric  Thoka         PHOTO:  TEBOGO  LETSIE  understand how seriously you
           Far from being discouraged, Eric set out to                                                                                                                                                 want it.”
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