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6                                                                                                                                                                                                       CITY PRESS, 29 MAY, 2016

                                                                                                                                   Terry Pratchett: It doesn’t stop being magic

                                                                                                                                                   just because you know how it works

                               The IDC’s agroprocessing book                                                                         The IDC’s new industries bookoss bookbes bbb

                                                                      117 Number of businesses funded in the past five years

                                                                      16 869 Number of jobs created and saved                                            80 Total number of businessesnesses
                                                                      R 5 475 658 615 Total investment                                                   1 441 Number of jobs created and savedre  av av av av av aved
                                                                      22 Number of businesses owned by black men                                         R656 605 158 Total investmenttmtmtmnv

                                                                      17 Number of businesses owned by black women

                                                      WHERE THE BUSINESSES ARE                                                          SECTORS

                                                    Eastern Cape                           North West                                 Agroprocessing               Manufacturing of components Solar power
                                                    Number of businesses: 19               Number of businesses: 1                    Number of businesses: 3      related to renewable energy  Number of businesses: 1
                                                    Investment value: R368 227 368         Investment value: R5 500 000               Total investment: R10 100 000  generation                Total investment: R93 100 000
                                                    Jobs created and saved: 996            Jobs created and saved: 0                                               Number of businesses: 1
                                                                                                                                      Automotive components        Total Investment: R11 000 615  Other
                                                    Free State                             Northern Cape                              Number of businesses: 1                                  Number of businesses: 19
                                                    Number of businesses: 14               Number of businesses: 21                   Total investment: R4 850 000  Metals & capital equipment  Total investment: R109 334 400
                                                    Investment value: R413 643 100         Investment value: R1 077 710 747                                        Number of businesses: 9
                                                    Jobs created and saved: 1 310          Jobs created and saved: 3 155              Biotechno                    Total Investment: R60 397 589  WHERE THE
                                                                                                                                      Number of businesses: 3
                                                    Gauteng                                Western Cape                               Total investment: R45 370 000  Other healthcare facilities  BUSINESSES ARE
                                                    Number of businesses: 25               Number of businesses: 32                                                & activities
                                                    Investment value: R995 805 549         Investment value: R667 505 484             Electronic & electrical      Number of businesses: 6      Gauteng
                                                    Jobs created and saved: 3 575          Jobs created and saved: 2 333              products & components        Total investment: R57 923 804  Number of businesses: 39
                                                                                                                                      Number of businesses: 19                                  Investment value:
                                                    KwaZulu-Natal                          Kenya                                      Total investment: R123 577 627  Other manufacturing       R397 725 451
                                                    Number of businesses: 17               Number of businesses: 1                                                 Number of businesses: 4      Jobs created and saved:
                                                    Investment value: R121 820 735         Investment value: R132 076 000             Energy efficiency: Heat,      Total investment: R48 500 000  1 212
                                                    Jobs created and saved: 812                                                       electricity & building efficiency
                                                                                           Mozambique                                 Number of businesses: 1      Other transport equipment    KZN
                                                    Limpopo                                Number of businesses: 3                    Total investment: R17 700 000  Number of businesses: 2    Number of businesses: 1212
                                                    Number of businesses: 12               Investment value: R659 893 562                                          Total investment: R14 551 123  Investment value:
                                                    Investment value: R428 787 180                                                    Forestry, paper, pulp &                                   R47 650 672
                                                    Jobs created and saved: 3 252          Namibia                                    furniture                    Pharmaceuticals              Jobs created and saved: 49494949
                                                                                           Number of businesses: 1                    Number of businesses: 1      Number of businesses: 2
                                                    Mpumalanga                             Investment value: R525 000 000             Total investment: R2 500 000  Total investment: R16 100 000  Western Cape
                                                    Number of businesses: 5                                                                                                                     Number of businesses: 29
                                                    Investment value: R27 588 890          Swaziland                                  ICT                          Plastics & chemicals         Investment value:
                                                    Jobs created and saved: 1 436          Number of businesses: 32                   Number of businesses: 5      Number of businesses: 3      R211 229 035
                                                                                           Investment value: R667 505 484             Total investment: R39 250 000  Total investment: R2 350 000  Jobs created and saved:
              Lizeka Matshekga, the IDC’s executive
              responsible for agroprocessing, industrial
              infrastructure and new industries

                                                                                                                                                                                                             COBUS PRINSLOO, Graphics24

                                                                          Wanted: hot black
         NICKI  GULES

                    ome  of  the  new  high-tech  ventures  the  Industrial
                    Development  Corporation  (IDC)  is  engaged  in  include  a  new
                    machine  that  more  accurately  diagnoses  breast  cancer  and  a
                    company  that  cleans  raw  natural  gas  more  cheaply.
                     Lizeka  Matshekga  is  the  executive  responsible  for  the  new
         Sindustries  strategic  business  unit  at  the  IDC,  as  well  as
         industrial  infrastructure,  agroprocessing  and  agriculture.
           She  is  now  using  the  skills  she  honed  by  working  on  South  Africa’s
         world-renowned  renewable  energy  independent  power  producer          technopreneurs
         programme  –  which  is  part  of  the  IDC’s  industrial  infrastructure  portfolio  –
         to  encourage  local  entrepreneurs  to  participate  in  the  new  global
         industrial  revolution.
           “As  the  IDC,  we  took  a  new  approach  in  2015  when  we  established  the
         new  industries  strategic  business  unit.  The  primary  objective  of  this  unit  is
         to  identify  and  support  the  most  promising  new  and  emerging  industry
         value  chains  and  enabling  technologies,”  she  says.
           “It  means  that,  as  the  IDC,  we  have  identified  eight  sector  candidates   The IDC has identified sector candidates that have the potential to be
         that  have  the  potential  to  be  the  next  game-changing  industries  in  South
         Africa.  In  that  regard,  we  are  playing  a  proactive  role  in  developing  these
         industries.”                                                          the next game-changing industries in SA and is encouraging local
           These  hot  new  sectors  include  energy  storage  and  fuel  cells,  in  which
         platinum  –  of  which  there  is  plenty  in  South  Africa  –  is  used  in  up-to-date   entrepreneurs to participate in the new global industrial revolution
         technology  batteries  that  can  store  more  energy  more  efficiently.
           Also  included  are  medical  devices,  such  as  the  Lodox  X-ray  machine,
         which  performs  a  full-body  scan  on  critically  injured  patients  in  just  13
         seconds.  Added  to  the  list  of  new  sectors  is  gas  beneficiation,  an  example
         of  which  is  Klydon  Gas,  which  aims  to  export  its  globally  unique  and
         competitive  technology.                                                      Big jobs potential
           In  addition,  there  is  the  new  nanotechnology,  3-D  printing,  as  well  as
         the  Natural  Products  sector  which  involves  the  use  of  indigenous  plants  in                                                                                              TIPS FOR
         pharmaceuticals,  supplements  and  cosmetics.                                                                                                                                     TECHNOPRENEURS
           A  new  industry  that  is  being  developed  to  tag  on  to  the  independent   in agroprocessing
         power  producer  programme  involves  stimulating  a  home-grown  industry  to                                                                               9
         supply  parts  and  components  for  renewable  energy  power  plants.                                                                                                             If you want to obtain
           “We  played  a  key  role  in  the  development  of  this  industry  in  South                                                                                                   funding from the IDC, here
         Africa  and  we  still  believe  we  have  to  play  a  key  role  in  the        With a prevailing drought, a shortage of available arable land and                               are a few tips from
         localisation  of  the  industry,  creating  industries  around  the                 sometimes low returns, the agroprocessing sector may not be the
         renewable  energy  sector  to  build  products  such  as                              sexiest career. But for Lizeka Matshekga, it’s a golden                                      Matshekga:
         photovoltaic  panels,”  Matshekga  says.                          A                    opportunity to create jobs and tap into the potential the rest
           “It  is  slow,  but  I  think  there  is  huge  potential.  We  engage                of Africa presents.
         the  relevant  government  departments  –  the  departments   PROJECT  IN                  “With our land-availability and water-scarcity constraints,          Your project has to display good prospects of economic viability. There
         of  energy,  trade  and  industry  –  to  influence  policy  that                        we need to look at neighbouring countries. There are                1has to be a balance between the socioeconomic and the financial
         will  encourage  the  renewable  energy  participants  to   PARTNERSHIP                   opportunities for us to integrate the region. Agroprocessing       sustainability elements. We have to leverage and capitalise on South Africa’s
         source  goods  locally.                                                                   and agriculture is long term and has low returns                   competitive advantage.
           “For  funding  applicants  to  qualify  for  support  –                                 sometimes, but the socioeconomic benefits far outweigh
         whether  it  be  in  photovoltaic  or  wind  farm  development  –  WITH  THE             that,” she says.                                                       There has to be an alignment of what you want to do with the IDC’s
         we  require  that  you  source  the  solar  panels,  mounting                              That said, there is a lot of dominance and competition.           2industrial development goals. For us, it’s about job creation, localisation,
         structures  and  cabling  locally  to  stimulate  the  long-term                          “The retail sector is usually dominated by larger                  transformation and sector and community development.
         demand.”                                                   IDC                         companies, so the barrier to entry could be high, but there
           The  opportunities,  Matshekga  says,  arise  not  just  from                       are partnership opportunities. The supplier-development                   You need to prove the business’ competitiveness and sustainability. You
         government  and  power  utility  Eskom,  but  from  the  private                     opportunities of the retailers present huge opportunities for black     3must have done some assessment or research to demonstrate your
         sector  as  well.                                                                 industrialists. The IDC created the first black female industrialist in    commitment.
           “Most  large  energy  users,  such  as  companies  in  the  mining  sector,   this sector, so it can be done.”
         are  trying  to  diversify  their  energy  source  and,  as  a  result,  renewable   Matshekga has some advice for those wishing to apply for funding from       Make sure there is inclusivity – you cannot just put up a plant and ignore
         energy  is  now  part  and  parcel  of  their  mix,”  she  says.              the IDC to get involved in this sector.                                        4the community in your surroundings.
           Matshekga  says  the  IDC  believes  that  these  new  industries  have  the   “There is huge opportunity, but for us it’s about inclusivity and
         potential  to  create  a  large  number  of  jobs.                            transforming the sector. We want the communities on the land these                Think wide, but also think narrow. Think of how your business will affect
           So  what  advice  does  Matshekga  have  for  South  Africa’s  hot  new     projects are on to have opportunities to be part of the entire value chain,”   5your surroundings and the community, but also think about how you can
         technopreneurs?                                                               she says.                                                                      involve the rest of the continent in terms of inputs upstream and markets
           “In  new  industries,  the  capital  requirements  are  quite  high  and  it’s   “Other opportunities concern import replacements. There are some food     downstream.
         most  often  risk  capital,  because  we  are  still  trying  to  prove  a  concept.  But   products that we import, and South Africa has the capacity to produce
         when  you  have  partners  like  the  IDC,  together  with  strategic  partners,  we   these.”                                                                  Think of water and energy usage: where your power and water is going
         can  collectively  develop  those  projects  and  make  them  bankable,”       The downsides of agroprocessing include high energy costs and usage.          6to come from; what you would do during shortages.
         she  says.                                                                    “Energy is one of the constraints of the poultry industry, for example, and
           “Normally,  the  commercial  funders  are  looking  for  projects  that  are   we need to be the enabler to unlock these constraints. So, we are looking      Identify other internal and external risks, and elaborate on how you will
         bankable.  As  the  IDC,  we  have  a  high-risk  appetite  and  we  come  in  early;   at putting up alternative energy generation for these industries.”   7mitigate those.
         we  want  partners  who  want  to  show  the  same  commitment,  and  develop   And, of course, the drought is a huge constraint, and Matshekga and her
         these  projects  and  unlock  all  these  opportunities.”                     team are looking at water as a sector on its own, including the                8  Think jobs – how many will you be able to create?
           Matshekga  cautions  that  new  industries  are  expected  to  have  a  high  risk  development of desalination plants, which turn salt water into drinking
         of  failure  –  but  there  is  a  solution  for  that.                       water.
           “I  think  the  most  important  thing  is  about  partnerships.  It’s       “If we thought electricity was a huge constraint for growth in South             You will need a lot of patience. It is not an overnight journey, but I think
         important,  especially  when  you  are  trying  to  prove  a  concept  that  has   Africa, water is an even bigger one,” says Matshekga.                     9you can take comfort from the fact that you have the IDC and other
         worked  somewhere  else  and  you  are  trying  to  domesticate  that  in      “Since we repositioned ourselves, the IDC took on water as one of those       partners who are willing to walk that journey with you. – Nicki Gules
         terms  of  the  South  African  environment.  It’s  important  that  you  identify   sectors that we have proactively striven to develop. We are exploring
         partners  that  have  done  so  and  that  you  seek  to  form  those  partnerships,”   innovative funding products to look at ways in which we can unlock the
         she  says.                                                                    capacity of existing water production.” –  Nicki  Gules
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