Page 24 - IDC
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10                                                                                                                                                                                                     CITY PRESS, 6 MARCH, 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                    The IDC’s

                                                                                                                                                                                    tourism book

                                                             A                                                                                                                       Total           Businesses

                                                    PROJECT IN                                                                                                                       number of       owned by
                                                  PARTNERSHIP                                                                                                                        60                  Total       Total female-
                                                     WITH THE                                                                                                                                         black-owned    businesses:
                                                      IDC                                                                                                                            Where the businesses are:

                                                                                                                                                                                     Number of businesses: 16
                                                                                                                                                                                     Investment value:
                                                                                                                                                                                     R393 815 586
                                                                                                                                                                                     Jobs created and saved: 617
         Siphiwe  Ngcobo  does  what  it  takes  to  win   SMART  CHOICE  The  entrance  to  the  iLawu  Inn  in  Pietermaritzburg                PHOTOS:  TEBOGO  LETSIE
                 From blacklisted                                                                                                                                                    Free State

                                                                                                                                                                                     Number of businesses: 2
                                                                                                                                                                                     Investment value:
                                                                                                                                                                                     R5 537 000
                                                                                                                                                                                     Jobs created and saved: 34

                to boutique hotel                                                                                                                                                    North West
                                                                                                                                                                                     Number of businesses: 5
                                                                                                                                                                                     Investment value:
                                                                                                                                                                                     R64 835 843
                                                                                                                                                                                     Jobs created and saved: 209

         PADDY HARPER                                                                                                                                                Number of businesses: 4
                                                                                                                                                                                     Investment value:
                   iphiwe Ngcobo, the owner and boss man of                                                                                                                          R215 163 100
                   the iLawu Hospitality Group, could easily pass                                                                                                                    Jobs created and saved: 517
                   as one of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands hotel
                   and guesthouse chain’s more than 100 full-
                   time employees.
         S Ngcobo (36) is dressed the same as the                                                                                                                                    KwaZulu-Natal
         front-of-house staff at the iLawu Inn, the group’s three-star                                                                                                               Number of businesses: 5
         hotel in the Pietermaritzburg central business district.                                                                                                                    Investment value:
           He’s wearing a golf shirt with the company logo, and                                                                                                                      R153 600 000
         chinos. There’s no suit and tie, no assistant in tow.                                                                                                                       Jobs created and saved: 528
           Ngcobo is not much older than most of his youthful
         team, or the 40-odd hospitality industry trainees iLawu
         takes on every year for experiential training at its five hotels
         and guesthouses, and in its catering and events divisions.                                                                                                                  Mpumalanga
           An Italian-trained mechanical engineer, Ngcobo started                                                                                                                    Number of businesses: 4
         his hospitality career in 2009 when he bought an eight-                                                                                                                     Investment value:
         bedroom bed and breakfast establishment in the   PAMPER  PARLOUR  Guests  can  spoil  themselves  at  the   BEDTIME  The  iLawu  Inn  in  Pietermaritzburg  is  part  of    R42 178 665
         Pietermaritzburg suburb of Scottsville after selling several   iLawu  Inn  in  Pietermaritzburg      the  iLawu  Hospitality  Group                                         Jobs created and saved: 118
         residential plots.
           Ngcobo, who has been running small businesses since his
         student days, had bought the land with a payout he         Young, ambitious and hospitable                                                                                  Eastern Cape
         received from Hulamin, where he had worked as an
         engineer and moonlighted with a tuck shop operating out                                                                                                                     Number of businesses: 3
         of a shipping container.                                                                                                                                                    Investment value:
           “I was living in my grandmother’s garage and didn’t have  PADDY HARPER                                     Street in Pietermaritzburg’s central business district. “I     R124 600 000
         expenses. There were vacant sites in the area and I decided                   am amazed at how much I have grown professionally              Jobs created and saved: 118
         to buy them to invest in property, and to have the joy of                                                    and as a person. I used to be so shy. I could hardly
         holding a title deed in my hand.               Lungile Maphumulo, a tourism management graduate              talk to people. There has been a lot done here to help
           “A developer approached me wanting to buy the land   from Durban’s Lamontville township, joined the iLawu   develop me. Doing this job has done so much good for
         and I agreed. I used the money to buy a house in Scottsville   Hospitality Group eight months ago.           my self-confidence. I love this.                               Northern Cape
         to turn into a bed and breakfast.”              She had no idea that she would become the group’s             “I had no idea I could go so far so quickly. There’s a        Number of businesses: 2
           Inspired by the level of service he had received in the   general manager before her next birthday.        lot of work and not a lot of free time. iLawu has              Investment value:
         hospitality industry in Italy as a student, Ngcobo’s plan was   Maphumulo (27) moved to iLawu in                         become my family. I love this job.”                R35 900 000
         to provide local accommodation at an international   July as a reservations officer from the                              Mabongi Mthethwa (38), the owner of               Jobs created and saved: 169
         standard and to take up the challenge of entering an   Hampshire Hotel in Ballito, where she                             Ekhaya Beauty Professionals, a spa
         industry which was largely untransformed.      had worked since qualifying four years                                    operating out of the iLawu Inn, is
           “I saw the need for a quality service with value for   earlier.                                                        equally upbeat about the operation.
         money in Pietermaritzburg, the idea of providing 24 hours   Within two months, her work ethic,                            “This place is brilliant,” says the UK-           Western Cape
         reception, Wi-Fi, the sort of things you don’t find in the   ideas and attention to detail had                           trained Mthethwa who moved her                     Number of businesses: 8
         local bed and breakfast and guesthouse market.”  impressed owner Siphiwe Ngcobo and                                      beauty business into the hotel three               Investment value:
           Ngcobo, who was blacklisted after losing his job, says his  his management team, to the extent                         years ago on a five-year lease. “It’s a            R228 760 000
         first foray into the market was difficult. The red tape of the   that she was promoted to sales and                      great venue, classy and the perfect place          Jobs created and saved: 797
         commercial banks and state development institutions such   marketing manager for the group. Her                          to work in the centre of town. This is
         as the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) hampers   rise within the KwaZulu-Midlands                               the busiest road in Pietermaritzburg and
         new operators, he says.                        hospitality group didn’t stop there. Last                                 a very safe, secure venue. Business is             Uganda                       Ethiopia
           “I found that institutions which claimed to be assisting   week Maphumulo was promoted to                              very good here.”                                   Number of                    Number of
         black entrepreneurs through development finance had so   general manager.       Operations  manager  Thami  Ndlovu  and   Mthethwa, who employs three beauty                businesses: 3                businesses: 1
         much red tape attached to their processes that they end up   “I still have to get a new badge,” she  general  manager  Lungile  Maphumulo  therapists and a hair dresser, picks up  Investment value:    Investment value:
         failing to help the people they need to help.”  laughs, pointing to the metal marketing manager’s            good business from hotel residents wanting their nails
           At first Ngcobo pitched in as “cleaner, night clerk, cook   name tag on her crisp white shirt. “I’m still getting   and hair done or a full-body massage.                 R403 096 471                 R61 500 000
         and receptionist”, and he slept in his car on the nights   used to it.”                                       “When I do things, I like to do them right. iLawu is
         when his eight rooms were occupied.             Maphumulo is already in the thick of things in her           the same. The relationship is good for both of us. We
           “When there were vacancies, I would sleep in one of the  new post. She has overall responsibility for the group’s   give the hotel clients and they refer their people to us.
         guest rooms and then be up before everybody else to get   five properties – a guesthouse, and two boutique hotels   It works for everybody.”
         things ready for them. When the place was full, I would   in Pietermaritzburg and two boutique hotels in      Another young go-getter at the group is its operations
         sleep in the car, freshen up and get ready for them. Those   Newcastle – and its catering and events divisions.  manager Thami Ndlovu (35), who joined five years ago
         were tough days.”                               “Working in this group is great,” says Maphumulo in          after spending a number of years as a beverage
           Since then, the group has grown at a dramatic rate.  an interview at the iLawu Inn in Chief Albert Luthuli   supplier working with Ngcobo.
           iLawu now owns a 20-room boutique hotel in Prestbury,
         the Ilawu Inn, a 21-room luxury guest lodge in Newcastle
         and another property nearby that is being funded through   Opening doors for black-owned enterprises
         a R4.5 million loan from the IDC.
           iLawu also runs an events and catering division that
         provides catering for private sector companies and
         government departments alongside parties, weddings and   MOSEKETSI MPETA                                     year on the 2014 numbers, with Stats SA showing
         other functions.                                                               phenomenal growth in tourist numbers from interesting
           Ngcobo is massively vigilant about iLawu’s brand.                                                          places – 135% more visitors arrived from China, followed       Ghana
           “We pay a lot of attention to maintaining our image and  The department of tourism is developing guidelines to   by Singapore (51%), Saudi Arabia (57.7%), Mexico (24%)   Number of
         to getting ourselves out there. We have reworked our logo, I   promote greater participation in the industry by black-  and even Greece (18.5%). While those numbers are    businesses: 3
         think six times, to refine it to where we want it.   owned enterprises through the Amended Tourism           dwarfed by the 54 608 tourists from the United                 Investment value:
           “We ensure that there is that visibility, that there is guest  Broad-Based BEE Sector Code.                  Kingdom, the increases indicate a shift.                     R169 968 140
         feedback. We’re constantly refining our systems, testing   Releasing the amended codes in January, Tourism       The tourism value chain contributes 9% of our gross
         what works and what doesn’t work.”             Minister Derek Hanekom said that in 2010 only one in             domestic product, supports more than 1.4 million jobs
           The Pietermaritzburg-born entrepreneur and his team are  four large tourism enterprises was black owned, and   OPINION  and affects a number of supporting industries, from
         constantly researching the market, travelling abroad to   a mere 12% of large enterprises had 50% black repre-  goods to transportation and general services.               Nigeria
         compare service standards and attending industry   sentation at board, directorship or management level.          The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has          Number of
         conferences to stay up to date with new technology, trends   Given this poor performance in transformation, the  identified tourism and hospitality as the sectors that     businesses: 1
         and developments in the industry.              department has also identified the role small enterprises      can support employment and economic growth. But we            Investment value:
           “We would rather spend money on research and ensure  can play in bringing about greater participation by black-  believe better results lie in supporting tourist activities that   R88 527 639
         that when we invest, it pays off.              owned businesses.                                             supplement the country’s accommodation facilities. Not
           “Before we started in Newcastle, I would travel there and  The weak rand will not always be as favourable to global  only do such attractions enrich the tourism experience,
         stay over to get a feel of the place and find out who the   visitors, but while it is, it provides an opportunity not only   they also open up the industry to new operators.
         travellers were and what it was they were looking for.”  to show the country’s unique experiences, but to broaden   A diversified tourism sector – not only in attractions and  Zimbabwe            Mozambique
           Ngcobo and some of his managers have recently returned  economic participation in the sector.              activities but also in ownership – will be a stronger sector.  Number of               Number of
         from Spain, where they “had a holiday while studying the   While commodities decline, tourism is becoming a   While the IDC is well placed to support viable business       businesses: 1           businesses: 2
         industry”.                                     significant driver of economic growth that can leverage the   ventures, all industry players must use the opportunity to     Investment value:       Investment value:
           He believes that iLawu will continue to grow. And later   country’s alternative natural resources: wildlife and natural   build consensus around their long-term potential.
         this year, his management team is heading for Zanzibar,   beauty across all provinces.                                             Mpeta is head of Tourism and             R30 978 000             R252 928 682
         where they will develop the group’s strategic plan for 2020.  Foreign visitor arrivals were up 6% in December last                Light Manufacturing at the IDC                                     THEUNS KRUGER, Graphics24
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