Page 21 - Our Land
P. 21

OUR  LAND                                                                            21

     WORKING  TOGETHER  MM  Rebobombo  (left)  and  YS  Malukele  are  part  of  the   THE  BEGINNING  Tshikonelo  Netshilingulo  places  spinach  seeds  in  trays.  The
     Matsila  Community  Development  Trust  incubation  programme                 seedlings  will  then  be  planted  on  the  farm

     FEEDING  TIME  Takalani  Mufamati,  one  of  the  workers  at  Radzambo  chicken   GENERATING  LIFE  The  workers  of  Masakona  Matsila  Vegetable  Farm  grow
     farm,  gives  the  chicks  breakfast                                          vegetables  in  tunnels

     women in overalls criss-cross the street.      their own community-owned establishment,” he said.            with an extensive and lush garden.
       “We have the Matsila Vegetables Farming Co-   Next door is another new building that houses a               His vision, Matsila says, is to use every available
     operative with 80 members from the community,   fully equipped abattoir at the back that has the             space to the community’s benefit.
     established with the assistance of the rural   capacity to “slaughter 100 sheep, 100 goats and 50 cows        “Our strategy is to use projects to create more and
     development and land reform department. This   a day”, and a butchery at the front.                          more jobs rather than having millions piling up and
     financial injection will help us to plant vegetables, such   Down the road, opposite Chief Matsila’s palace, is the   lying unused in the trust’s bank account. Everything so
     as green beans, piquanté peppers and spinach in our   Matsila Game Farm, which is home to 10 buffaloes, 15   far has been possible through kind financial assistance
     arable land totalling 80 hectares,” he said.   elands, 20 impalas and 15 nyalas.                             from government and private businesses, which made it
       “There is also a total of 60 greenhouse tunnels for   Matsila said the buffaloes were “donated by SanParks   possible to put our land to good use with the aim of
     farming with high-value commodities such as    and Phala Phala Wildlife on behalf of President Cyril         curbing unemployment, creating business opportunities
     cucumbers, green peppers and tomatoes. Our     Ramaphosa, with each donating five of the animals”.           and transferring skills,” he said.
     production capacity has been improved because of the   The total commercial value of the animals, he said,    Asked for his opinion on land expropriation without
     support from the small business development    exceeds an estimate of R10 million.                           compensation, Matsila said it was a “long overdue
     department through its enterprise incubation    Where the vegetable greenhouse tunnels are based,            process” that was “unfortunately being implemented at
     programme, which helped a small business entity   there is the infrastructure for a fish farm, complete      a rush and might not focus on real issues on the
     known as Tshisimani Vegetable Farm.”           with ponds and pumps. The plan is to start breeding           ground”.
       Here, a group of women are packing boxes of   catfish and tilapia there soon.                               He said it was important for the land to fall into the
     cucumbers while a truck waits outside to ferry them to   Meanwhile, dust continues to clog the horizon as    hands of people who could put it to good use.
     Gauteng and to other parts of Limpopo.         more infrastructure projects take shape in the area.           “Thereafter, as we gain more experience and
       Opposite is Radzambo chicken farm, which produces   “We have new projects under construction, which        confidence in making land productive, we can also, in a
     10 000 eggs a day and is extending its chicken value   include the Matsila Arts and Culture Centre and       manageable fashion, be allocated more land on a need
     chain significantly.                           Matsila Shared Development Centre, which will have a          and merit basis. It can’t just be a programme for
       “We hatch 3 000 chicks a week ... and soon we’ll be   curio shop,” Matsila said.                           all ... the government should not try to make everybody
     able to slaughter 1 000 chickens a day at the recently   Back up the main road, Joe Matsila Guest House      a farmer [unless] we want to see more land becoming
     completed Matsila chicken abattoir.            offers a tranquil break from the activity below, with         less productive and assets vandalised.”
       “So our community will then have everything locally   a breathtaking view of the village from the small     Asked if the busiest street in his village was going to
     produced from an egg to a live chicken or meat over   hilltop. There is a dining spot serving traditional    remain nameless, Matsila said he had been “preoccupied
     the counter, while creating opportunities for local   and Western cuisine, as well as a wedding venue,       with empowering our community more than anything,
     businesses to buy stock – from eggs to meat – from   and the lodge provides a child-friendly environment     but I think we must now consider giving it a name”.
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