Page 64 - 2017 Official CMA Program
P. 64

“BETTER                                         “BLUE

                                    MAN”                                            AIN’T YOUR

                                                  TAYLOR SWIFT

                                                                                        CLINT LAGERBERG, HILLARY
                                    What lead Little Big Town to cut the hit        LINDSEY AND STEVEN LEE OLSEN
                                    “Better Man” began with an email from
                                    Taylor Swift to band member Phillip
                   Sweet. The email included a demo of the song:                    The idea struck songwriter Steven Lee
                                                                                    Olsen when he woke up on his couch. He
                   “I wrote this song and I keep hearing your voices on it,” Swift   recalls vaguely seeing the word “blue”
                   wrote. “I know you’re making a record — if you want to cut it,   on TV. He saw his dog at the end of the
                   great. If not, no big deal.”                                     couch, jotted down the words “Blue
                                                                                    Ain’t Your Color,” then went back to
                   “We thanked the good Lord it didn’t go in his spam folder,”      sleep. He later talked it through with his
                   Sweet’s bandmate Kimberly Schlapman joked to People.             fellow co-writers, Hillary Lindsey and
                                                                   Clint Lagerberg, and they all wrote it together in the studio over
                   Sweet sent the demo to the rest of the band, and there was a   glasses of wine.
                   unanimous, enthusiastic vote to record it. “We all listened to it
                   individually and then we were on the road with Luke Bryan all   Keith Urban describes how the song made him feel an instant
                   year,” Schlapman said. “So every evening in the dressing room   familiarity – like meeting a distant relative you didn’t know you
                   when we were getting ready, we would play the song over and   were related to.
                   over and over. Instantly that chorus had us hooked. The lush
                   harmony felt so much like us!”                  “It was just immediate . . . ” Urban says of the hit. “I loved the lyric,
                                                                   the sentiment, the melody, everything about it. It was beautiful.
                                                                   “It doesn’t always work. I’ve taken songs in the studio that I’ve
                                                                   loved, and I just couldn’t make them feel authentic, much to my
                                                                   frustration, because I can love the song, but it doesn’t fit me. ‘Blue’
                                                                   was immediate love.”
                                                                   Source: and

                                     “BODY LIKE A BACK ROAD”

                                                          ZACH CROWELL, SAM HUNT, SHANE McANALLY AND JOSH OSBORNE

                                     Written in November 2016, the song finally came together over a laborious weekend songwriters getaway to   Photo credits: “Better Man”: Taylor Swift – Courtesy of Taylor Swift; “Blue Ain’t Your Color”: Clint Lagerberg – Eric Erwin, Hillary Lindsey – Becky Fluke, Steven Lee Olsen
                                     Charleston, S.C., where they sought inspiration outside of Nashville. Hunt brought forward the idea for the song,   – Justin Mrusek; “Body Like A Back Road”: Josh Osborne – Courtesy of Josh Osborne; Shane McAnally – Courtesy of Shane McAnally; Zach Crowell – Steven Alan;
                                     and the group was immediately intrigued.
                                     “We were like, ‘Yes, we want to write that,’” Osborne said. “It just sounded like a hit Country song.”

                                     The group worked for hours on the lyrics and spent extra time on the verses. The chorus stayed the same
                                     throughout, but the verses continued to go through rewrites.

                                     They left Charleston thinking the song was complete, but a couple of months later, Hunt and the group reconvened
                                     to work on the lyrics some more when Hunt thought the song felt incomplete.

                                     Osborne says it all came together when Hunt came up with the line, “Had to get her number, took me like six


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