Page 30 - may-jun 2023
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Alt Fuel Discussion Gets Real at NTEA’s Work Truck Week
I n March, NTEA’s Work Truck Week, the industry’s
premier commercial work truck event, wrapped
up an action-packed few days in Indianapolis with
nearly 15,000 visitors.
As a long-time attendee and former board
chair for the NTEA, one thing I found refreshing was
the shift in conversation about what’s actually need-
ed to make a positive environmental impact both
right now and for the long haul.
Electric vehicles anchored nearly every
discussion in prior years, with previous conference under much tighter scrutiny from attendees as we
sessions positioning electric vehicles as the only collectively look at options on the road ahead toward
clean solution. The sentiment in 2022 was that if a greener future.
businesses aren’t solely adopting EV, they’ll quickly With all the unanswered questions around
fall behind. EV range, infrastructure, price point and availability,
This year, my colleagues and I enjoyed fleet managers are looking for viable clean fuel op-
broader, more realistic discussions about what tions for the immediate future. Propane vehicles run
alternative fuels actually work in application and are on a clean, affordable, domestic, scalable and readily
available for fleets today. In fact, there were sev- available resource helping businesses meet their
eral conversations about how EVs work in specific goals and reduce emissions from day one.
markets and duty cycles compared to other alter- It’s great to see that the industry is look-
natives like propane autogas. Electric vehicles were ing for many solutions and not all the proverbial
eggs are going into the EV
basket. The path to near
zero emissions involves
multiple strategies, partners
and solutions that work for
Bobtails to Bulkplants fleets of all shapes, sizes
and budgets. One size rarely
ever fits all. Here’s to more
great conversations and
Todd Mouw is executive
vice president of sales and market-
New Bobtails Betts Vapor Proof Lights: New Installations ing of ROUSH CleanTech, an indus-
Refurbished Bobtails complete stock of lights, lens Maintenance & Repairs
Hydrostatic Testing & accessories All Work Performed to NFPA 58 try leader of advanced clean ve-
Annual VK Inspections Truck Meter & Code Upgrades hicle technology. Mouw has more
Annual DOT Inspections Dispenser Calibration Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal than two decades of experience
Base Engineering Shutdown
in the automotive and high-tech
industries. As former president of
FREE ESTIMATES the NTEA Green Truck Association,
40 Industry Drive Jason Gamble, Owner (256) 593-2420 Mouw helped set standards in the
green trucking industry. To learn
Boaz, AL 35956 (205) 616-9084 (800) 757-6639
Email: Fax: (256) 593-2460 more, visit
30 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2023