Page 28 - may-jun 2023
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Construction Incentive Program Reduces
Over 18 Million Pounds of CO2e
n 2022, the Propane Education & Research nate is equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from
Council’s (PERC) Propane Construction Incentive any of the following:
Program helped eliminate more than 18 million • 1,839 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driv-
Ipounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent, from en for one year.
the environment annually. This statistic nearly dou- • 1,038,249,446 smartphones charged.
bled the program’s impact in 2021. • 1,075 homes’ energy use for one year.
“Installing propane appliances in more than The Propane Construction Incentive Program
1,000 homes across 25 states helped make this offers a baseline incentive of up to $1,000 to builders
achievement possible,” said Bryan Cordill, director or remodelers who upgrade to propane appliances in
of residential business development at PERC. “Many a new build or a remodel. Applicants can also earn a
people believe using more electricity is the answer $500 bonus for installing propane appliances specific
to reducing carbon emissions. But this data clearly to their region of the country. Funding is limited, and
shows that construction professionals can make a certain restrictions apply, so complete your applica-
significant environmental impact when building with tion today at
propane and utilizing a hybrid approach to home “Builders and remodelers who participate
energy decisions.” in the Propane Construction Incentive Program and
The 2022 program awarded $1 million in install propane appliances in their customers’ homes
funding to construction professionals who provid- are not only creating a competitive advantage for
ed data from the Energy Planning and Analysis Tool themselves, but they are also helping decrease green-
comparing the emissions of the propane appliances house gas emissions,” said Cordill. “Propane is avail-
they chose to their electric alternatives. Installations able right now and its use is having an imme3diate,
included propane furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces, positive impact on the environment.”
cooktops, ovens, clothes dryers, outdoor grills, and To learn more about the incentive program
standby generators. and qualifications, as well as propane applications,
The 18 million pounds of CO2 that the Pro- visit■
pane Construction Incentive Program helped elimi-
28 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2023