Page 23 - may-jun 2023
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The Learning Center Offers Easy Access to
Latest Workforce Training and Education Resources
W materials on compliance, emergency responses, envi-
Meanwhile, PERC continues to add and update
hy have almost 50,000 propane pro-
fessionals made The Learning Center
ronmental messaging, safety, sales, workforce recruit-
on the industry’s go-to
ment, and other market-trending topics, including:
resource for all types of workforce
training? • Safety and Technical training programs that help
keep employees safe and educated on propane
Learning in the propane industry is not a specific topics.
one-and-done process. There are new appliances and
equipment that use propane, changing codes, and • The Certified Employee Training Program, which
updated regulations that require initial and refresher includes modules and learning paths that provide
training that require a highly skilled workforce. technical training for drivers, service technicians
and plant operators.
Whether you’re newly hired or a seasoned
vet, there is always fresh, dynamic material available • Market and industry training to help office per-
to make you a safer, more productive team member. sonnel, sales professionals, and field employees
Propane professionals can access that vital content understand the environmental benefits of propane
from their desktop computer, laptop, cellphone, or as well as new equipment options available to
tablet for either individual training or enhanced tradi- customers.
tional classroom sessions. • A new Propane Emergencies program for first re-
sponders that can help them become certified as a
Since PERC launched The Learning Center at in 2020, its delivery of education and hazmat responder.
compliance material continues to draw robust user • Workforce development programs like the Entry
engagement for a more personalized, job-focused Level Driver Training program that helps drivers
learning experience. meet the requirements for obtaining a CDL or
Hazmat endorsement and the HVAC/Plumber
“Over the last three program that teaches propane-specific topics to
years, The Learning Center heating and plumbing technicians.
has made workforce training Many of these programs are in an eLearning
and certification better, faster, format so that training courses can be taken online.
PERC also supports instructor-led training through
and more economical than instructor tools, power point presentations, student
ever before.” books, and on-the-job training worksheets, as well as
compliance and technical guides, safety alerts, and
-Eric Kuster, PERC’s Senior Vice President of Safety, consumer safety materials all available for download.
Education & Compliance
PERC is also introducing the Learning Center
Today, the platform offers more than 500 piec- App available at the App store. It provides access to all
es of educational content from a convenient, central the information that the Learning Center has to offer,
access point. Participating companies large and small right on your mobile device. Explore all the options
leverage the platform’s flexibility to customize prefer- available at The Learning Center at https://training.
ences to fit specific skill sets and job duties for their■
23 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2023