Page 20 - may-jun 2023
P. 20
Trip to the State House
t is vital to the propane industry for our associa- With the introduction of a resolution to
tion to have strong working relationships with all protect the propane industry from federal overreach,
Senators and Representatives. In the past, APGA several new faces in the legislature, and the recent
Ihas held an annual “Trip to the State House” event changes in association leadership, we felt this session
to build and foster those vital relationships with the was the perfect time to gather APGA members once
Legislative branch in our state. again to participate in this beloved event.
During the event, APGA members split up On the morning of April 11th, APGA mem-
in groups to visit the Senate and the House offices bers flocked to the State House in Montgomery with
throughout the State House. This gives each APGA Incoming Executive Director, Laural Bunn, and Out-
member-volunteer the opportunity to meet their rep- going Executive Director, Lisa Hill, to participate in
resentatives, give them a butane lighter, and introduce the 2023 Trip to the State House. This year, we had
them to the propane industry in-person. Although this twelve APGA members volunteer to represent the
was an incredibly popular event that our association association and the propane industry for the event.
has been well-known for, the event has not been held Thank you to everyone who came out to make sure
since 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions. this event was a success! ■
This year’s participants were (Back row, from left) Daniel Brown, Brandon Deloney, Rick Foster, Gabe Kreb, Chad Chavers, (Middle row, from
left) Ollie “Bubba” Quick, Cory Steele, Brian Rogers, Michael Toomey, (Front row, from left) Laural Bunn, Jessie Morgan, and Brittany Watkins.
20 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2023