Page 19 - may-jun 2023
P. 19
Business Council of Alabama launches
Business Council of Alabama launches
“Renew Alabama” campaign
“Renew Alabama” campaign
T By SAYLOR CUZZORT The Alabama Jobs Act reauthorization
he Business Council of Alabama has announced
passed in 2015 expires on July 31, 2023, making
a four-year initiative plan to improve the busi-
renewal an immediate priority of BCA in the current
ness climate in the state.
legislative session. That legislation has not yet been
“Renew Alabama,” is a list of legislative pri- filed.
orities the BCA says aim to make the state a national
leader in innovation, workforce development, health BCA says broadband infrastructure is neces-
care and economic growth. sary in a modern economy and critical to providing
access to adequate health care, particularly in the
“Alabama can be a national model of eco- state’s rural areas. The plan outlines the promotion
nomic growth and success. From the Gulf Coast to the and encouragement of policy that prioritizes this
Tennessee Valley, you’ll find small businesses to large piece of infrastructure.
corporations primed to succeed and expand,” BCA
President and CEO Helena Duncan said in a written Workforce development is another con-
statement. “This is the path to economic prosperity cern of BCA members and a legislative focus for
that our hardworking citizens deserve. The Business the council. BCA says there is a clear need for more
Council of Alabama is here to make it happen.” trainable workers to backfill existing jobs and has
promised to help lawmakers find new and proactive
A key component of the plan is supporting solutions to prepare Alabama’s workforce further to
Gov. Kay Ivey’s “The Game Plan” to renew economic fill the jobs of tomorrow.
development incentives, which BCA says play a vital
role in Alabama’s current and future economic suc- Other agenda items include: funding work-
cess. ing programs, protecting employer-sponsored
health care, fighting for free-market competition
Earlier this month, Ivey said in her state of and blocking government mandates.■
the state speech “The Game Plan” to renew and
modernize the economic development incentives
in the Alabama Jobs Act and the Growing Alabama Source: This article is reprinted with permission and
Act. The governor and legislative leadership have originally appeared in Alabama Daily News. Link to
voiced strong support for expanding economic Source: Alabama Daily News, March 27, 2023, https://
incentive programs.
19 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2023