Page 14 - may-jun 2023
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Alabama/Louisiana Propane Gas Associations’ Summer Convention:
e hope everyone is resources, advantages of propane, ment which will be held at TPC
planning to attend and the current environment in Louisiana.
the 2023 Alabama/ the residential and commercial The Dessert Extravaganza,
WLouisiana Propane markets. Reverse Raffle and Silent Auction
Gas Associations’ Annual Summer The Media and Marketing will headline Monday night’s
Convention which will take place Training Seminar will be provided festivities. This event benefits the
June 25th through 27th at the by Randy Hayden. Mr. Hayden David Reaves, Don Haden, Bill
Hotel Monteleone in New Orle- is LPGA’s Executive Director and Montgomery, and Marie Daniel
ans, Louisiana. The convention President of Creative Communica- Scholarships. We ask that every-
will kick-off on Sunday evening tions, Inc. The seminar, REAL Me- one remember to purchase extra
with a Welcome Reception that dia and Public Relations: How to raffle tickets to raise funds for this
is sponsored by the Alabama and Calm a Crisis & Profit from Public great cause. To donate a Silent
Louisiana Suppliers. This event is Relations is a topic that everyone Auction item, please contact Lau-
open to all. could benefit from in the current ral Bunn at (334) 358-9590.
Monday morning will climate. After the seminars, APGA We will close the con-
begin with joint seminars and and LPGA will hold their respec- vention on Tuesday evening with
featured guests to provide the tive Board meetings separately. the Voodoo on the Bayou Dinner
membership with updates from The 2023 summer con- featuring entertainment from the
NPGA and PERC. NPGA’s Chair- vention agenda is packed with a Magical Acts of Vaudeville. Prizes
Elect, Jeff Stewart, will be in at- variety of family-friendly activities will be awarded for best costumes
tendance to discuss NPGA Issues to choose from. There truly is - so come dressed to impress!
of Importance. Mr. Stewart is the something for everyone! On Mon-
President of Blue Star Gas, a retail day, we will have a Swamp Airboat Registration is now open.
marketer that operates fourteen Tour and a sightseeing cruise on The agenda and registration form
locations across seven Western the Steamboat Natchez. Tuesday’s can be found on the following
states, and is the third-generation events include a tour and 4-D pages. To view the full brochure,
in his family-owned business. movie at the World War II Mu- click here. Some events have a
PERC’s Update will be provided seum, private hands-on cooking registration deadline of June 1st,
by Bryan Cordill. Mr. Cordill is the class at the New Orleans School so book your trip and reserve your
Director of Residential and Com- of Cooking, and the annual Chris spot today. Please use the link
mercial Business Development Connally Memorial Golf Tourna- below to make your discounted
at PERC. This update will cover hotel reservations.■
Click Here to Make Your Reservations
14 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2023