Page 11 - may-jun 2023
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This year, energy choice has been a popular Many states have responded with energy
topic of discussion nationwide. The increasing interest choice bills to protect their natural and propane gas
in this topic is, in part, due to deceptive campaigns of industries. Alabama already has an energy choice law
misinformation aimed at labeling natural and propane in place. On May 4, 2021, Governor Kay Ivey signed
gas as unsafe for consumers. The most recent cam- House Bill 446 into law. This commonsense bipartisan
paign from the Environmental Protection Agency could legislation protects the rights of consumers by pro-
prove to be problematic for the propane industry. hibiting municipalities from adopting energy service
Under the guise of helpful consumer safety findings, bans. Realizing the need to protect Alabama’s propane
outdated scientific research data was reintroduced and industry from federal government overreach, the
misrepresented to the public. Negative headlines could APGA board decided to act. During the Winter Board
impact consumer opinions while encouraging govern- meeting, the board approved the introduction of a
mental entities to seek limits and regulations that limit resolution aimed at supporting energy choice efforts
consumer choice. The goal of these campaigns is to and reinforcing Alabama’s current law by reaffirming
assert the premise that gas stoves adversely impact the importance of propane as a consumer fuel choice
indoor air quality and then use the shifting tide of con- for the citizens of this state while further reasserting
sumer opinion to promote the prohibition of consum- the propane industry’s positive impact on the state of
er choice for cooking fuels. Alabama. On April 11th, Representative Alan Baker (R,
To combat these campaigns, PERC has tar- 66) introduced House Resolution 71 on behalf of APGA
geted resources available for consumers, associa- and Alabama’s propane industry.
tion members, state and local officials, and affiliated In the coming months, APGA leadership will
industries on The Safety & Education continue to advocate for the propane industry and its
section of the March/April issue of APGA News fea- consumers, while keeping you updated on any chang-
tured Gas Stoves & Indoor Air Quality Talking Points es. Use the links below to view SB156, SB51, and HR71
to provide our members with factual information and as introduced. For information about advocacy, please
counterpoints that could be used to combat objections call APGA Executive Director, Laural Bunn. ■
while minimizing the further spread of misinformation Senate Bill 156 Senate Bill 51 House Resolution 71
regarding this alleged safety issue.
11 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2023