Page 8 - may-jun 2023
P. 8

from the executive director’s desk

                  he past few months have been bustling                 On April 25th, the
                  here at the APGA office. We’ve been busy       APGA held its General
                  organizing the festivities for the 2023 Annual   Membership Meeting at
            T APGA/LPGA Summer Convention, network-              the Southeastern Expo
            ing at the Southeastern Expo in Nashville, TN, and   in Nashville, TN   Thank
            tackling some legislative issues in state govern-    you to everyone who
            ment, including the introduction of a resolution to   came out for the meet-
            protect the propane industry from federal gov-       ing  April’s business also
            ernment overreach and advocating against the         included the LP Gas
            centralization of the state’s occupational licens-   Board Meeting  For more
            ing boards  For more information on our lobbying     information, please see    uLaural Bunnu
            efforts, see page 10.                                page 7.
                   On April 11th, APGA was proud to visit               We are currently scheduling on-site visits
            the State House once again for the “Trip to the      for our state’s representatives to give them the
            State House” event  We brought members to the        opportunity to tour a bulk-plant and speak with
            State House in Montgomery to distribute lighters     an industry expert in-person  In June, APGA will
            while giving members the opportunity to meet         be attending Propane Days in Washington, DC
            and speak with legislators  I want to personally     This event provides state executives and board
            thank everyone who volunteered to come out           members the opportunity to meet with their
            to participate, and for making this year’s event a   representatives on Capitol Hill to discuss the issues
            success!  For more information about our “Trip to    that are effecting the propane industry
            the State House” event see page 20.                         Registration is now open for the Summer
                                                                                       Convention that will be
                                                                                       held on June 25-27 in
                                                                                       New Orleans, LA  This is
                                   DEALERS LP EQUIPMENT                                a great opportunity to
                                   An Affiliate of R.E. Michel Company, LLC            network while enjoying
                                                                                       the fun, food and folklore
                                                                                       this magical city has to
                          Your  SINGLE SOURCE  for                                     offer  We’ve packed the
                                                                                       schedule with several
                                                                                       family-friendly activities
                                                                                       For more information or to
                                                                                       register for this year’s con-
                                                                                       vention, please see pages
                                                                                       14-16 of this issue.

                  ...and ALL your propane equipment needs!                                     Please feel free
                                                                                       to contact me anytime
                                                                                       to discuss your needs or
                    Check us out online at                               voice your concerns  I
                                  and follow us on                                     take great pride in work-
                                                                                       ing with you and helping
                                                                                       the association secure a
                          1405 Sinnett Avenue • Dothan, Alabama 36303                  successful future for Ala-
                                  800-433-8925                                         bama’s propane indus-

                                                                                       try ■

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