Page 10 - may-jun 2023
P. 10
legislative news by: Laural Bunn, APGA Executive Director
n April 4th, Representative Chris Elliott
introduced Senate Bill 156 to propose
the establishment of an Occupational
OLicensing Boards Division in the office
of the Secretary of State, to provide that the division
is responsible for the oversight and regulation of
certain occupational licensing boards; and to estab-
lish a centralized administration of those boards and
to provide standards for fees and the uniformity in
the collection of fees to deposit into the State Gen-
eral Fund. The bill was referred to the County and
Municipal Government Committee. Representative
Elliott is both the bill sponsor and Chairman of that
Concerned that this could adversely effect
the safety of consumers and have long-reaching im-
plications that could negatively impact the propane
industry, APGA Outgoing Executive Director, Lisa Hill,
Incoming Executive Director, Laural Bunn, and LP
Gas Board Administrator, DeWayne Whiddon, ap-
peared at the committee meeting for the bill’s public
hearing to represent the propane industry and its
consumers. Outgoing Executive Director, Lisa Hill, speaking in the com-
mittee hearing on April 12th.
With the APGA board’s approval, Mrs.
Hill prepared remarks and spoke on behalf of the advocacy efforts to protect the propane industry and
propane industry, making sure that the committee its consumers. After these discussions, APGA is confi-
understood the importance of having an occupa- dent that our concerns have been heard, will be taken
tional licensing board that is specially trained and into account, and that there will be no impediments
knowledgeable about propane for the safety of or obstacles for the propane industry, our members,
consumers and the efficacy of the board’s duties. or our constituents upon the completion of the 2023
She emphasized the importance of the specialization legislative session in Alabama.
of the inspectors of the Board, and its staff in sup- In early March, another bill relating to Oc-
plying certifications and answering questions. She cupational Licensing Boards was introduced by Rep-
then highlighted the Boards positive track record, resentative Rodger M. Smitherman (D) from District
reminding everyone that the LP Gas Board has never 18 (Birmingham). Senate Bill 51 would require an
had any significant finding during the Sunset Review occupational licensing board to determine whether
process in the twenty seven years that she has been an individual’s criminal conviction disqualifies him or
Executive Director of APGA, and urged the com- her from obtaining an occupational license in certain
mittee not to do away with the board as it is today circumstances; would prohibit them from using certain
because consumer safety depends on it. terms in rule making as reasons from disqualification
After the hearing, Incoming Executive Direc- from licensure and would also limit the circumstances
tor, Laural Bunn spoke with committee members and under which a board may consider an individual’s crim-
other Representatives to discuss the proposed bill, inal record when determining if the individual qualifies
its future, and to further reinforce the associations for licensure.
10 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2023