Page 21 - sept-oct 2021
P. 21

Nine tactics to boost morale...

                      ne of a manager’s most important jobs is to   ers, and include a joke at the bottom of your memos.
                      keep spirits up in the workplace. With stress      5.  Run a “Guess the Baby” contest. Ask the staff
                      levels in Corporate America at an all-time   to bring in baby photos and post them on the wall. Award a
           Ohigh, this isn’t always easy to do. However,        free lunch to the employee who can guess who’s who.
           there are some strategies you can use that will get the job      6.  Have “Late Day Mondays.”  If possible, once
           done...without hurting your budget.                  a month allow half your employees to arrive 30 minutes late
                   1.  Sponsor a “Noon Movie.”  Once a week (de-  on a Monday morning and half of your employees to leave
           pending on employee schedules and seasonal work), set up a   30 minutes early on a Friday afternoon.
           TV in the lunchroom and show a funny movie or reruns of a      7.  Take pictures!  Every office has an aspiring
           Seinfeld, Frasier, Cheers, or other situation comedies.   photographer. Ask that person to take candid shots of em-
                   2.  Set up a “Humor Corner.”  Designate one   ployees and add them tot he “Humor Corner.”
           section of the office as the place for humor, and encourage      8.  Play with the dress code.  If your culture
           employees to post cartoons, jokes, or other funny material.  allows it, hold an “Ugly T-shirt, Ugly Pants,” or “Ugly
                   3.  Get out of the office!  Whenever possible, hold   Sweater” day. Award prizes for the “winners.”
           meetings outside the the coffee show down the      9.  Bring your smile to work.  You’ll be surprised
           street or at a local restaurant. If weather permits, don’t be   at the difference it makes. If the manager consistently has an
           afraid to hold meetings outside from time to time.   upbeat attitude, the staff will as well.■
                   4.  Liven up your memos.  Buy a book of one-lin-


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