Page 11 - nov-dec 2021
P. 11
to a variety of veteran groups throughout New V.E.T.S AND GENERATIONEXT PROPANE PROS
York In our speaking engagements in front of the WEBSITES
veterans, we talk about the benefits of propane Through the website, www vets2 org mar-
and new heating technologies that yield higher keters and vendors can post any open positions
efficiencies. Finally, we will talk about why they Veterans can search for career opportunities
might want to choose the energy industry as a and also post resumes, qualifications, and certifi-
career cations for the employer’s review and consider-
Student Outreach - Ensuring that students ation
at technical high schools, community colleges, The GeneratioNext Propane Pros website
trade schools, CDL schools and adult education is a valuable tool for propane marketers as well
programs throughout the state view the propane as applicants This platform will serve as a place
industry as a viable and successful career path for marketers and both current and future ener-
is fundamental to the future of our industry In or- gy professionals to connect Propane marketers
der to secure the next generation of energy pro- will have the ability to browse through applicants
fessionals, we need to stay in front of these stu- who are interested in entering the energy field
dents A customized presentation will be develop and to bring candidates on board for internship,
which will highlight the industry’s best attributes part-time and/or full-time positions The web
at technical high schools, community colleges, portal will allow marketers to filter students by
trade schools, CDL schools and/or adult edu- their level of expertise, positions of interest, and
cation programs throughout the state During willingness to travel to the workplace
these presentations, a select number of propane When students set up their profiles, they will input
marketers (owners, service managers, delivery the following information:
managers, energy professionals, etc ) are wel- • Contact information
come to join as guest speakers to share their • School they are attending
experience and career success in our industry • Licenses and certificates (if applicable)
Future energy professionals will learn about tech- • Anticipated graduation
nological developments in the industry, including
high-efficiency equipment and how propane is Continued on page 12...
a green fuel source In addition, the
presentation will highlight additional
advantages of working in the ener-
gy industry including:
• Mentorship and field training Bobtails to Bulkplants
•Job security in a stable industry
• Opportunity for career growth
GeneratioNext Propane Pros
and V E T S will develop a custom-
ized presentations and work with the New Bobtails Betts Vapor Proof Lights: New Installations
Refurbished Bobtails complete stock of lights, lens Maintenance & Repairs
Hydrostatic Testing
schools and the veteran community Annual VK Inspections Chelsea PTO & Equipment: All Work Performed to NFPA 58
& accessories
Code Upgrades
Annual DOT Inspections
to schedule and conduct sessions, Base Engineering Shutdown power take offs, drive shafts Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal
& accessories
while also ensuring industry repre-
sentation will be present FREE ESTIMATES
40 Industry Drive Jason Gamble, Owner (256) 593-2420
Boaz, AL 35956 (205) 616-9084 (800) 757-6639
Email: Fax: (256) 593-2460
11 Alabama Propane Gas Association | November / December 2021