Page 12 - nov-dec 2021
P. 12
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• How far they are willing to travel enable us to keep our industry in front of them as
• Job and internship interests they continue their education
• Resume (optional) Along with all of this, APGA will also re-
Once set up in the system, applicants will ceive Monthly Progress Reports, General Out-
be able to view marketers in their area offering reach and training on the two portals through a
a variety of jobs and/or intern-ships they are webinar
interested in This allows applicants to proactively Please watch your email in the next week
reach out to potential employers and gain real for information about the upcoming training
world experience prior to graduating Customiza- webinar on how to set up your company. Each
tions would be made to the website to include a company will want to participate because you
state association resource page Propane mar- will only it out of this program what you put into
keter profiles will list all the positions they have it. Please take the time to learn it and use it. Your
within their company (not positions available, as business will benefit. ■
this is not a job-posting site), including
internships. From there, they can filter
through the applicants Marketers
cannot see other marketers profiles.
This website will be a key resource
to match applicants and marketers,
resulting in more successful transition SAVE the DATE
into the industry
In addition to the presenta-
tions, the outreach sessions at each
school will include a focus group
to gather vital information from the
students These focus groups will give
us a better understanding of why
students would or would not choose
a career in the propane industry In
these sessions, we will discover possi-
ble misconceptions about the indus-
try that may lead to any negative
opinions Additionally, we will gain
an understanding of what the next
generation knows about the propane
industry At the end of the session,
the presenter will poll the students to Alabama/Louisiana Summer Convention
see if the presentation changed their July 26-28, 2022
opinions, what specifically changed Perdido Beach Resort, Orange Beach
their opinions, and what they find
most appealing about the our indus- Mark Your Calendar Now!
try Gathering information like how Additional Information Available April 2022.
they would prefer to learn more will
12 Alabama Propane Gas Association | November / December 2021