Page 16 - july-august 2021
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...Continued from page 9 ticeship program competencies;
• DOL Office of Apprenticeship – helps
“When we really began working with PERC NPGA and participating companies, tracks pro-
in 2018 to examine the workforce development gram completion, and issues certificates; and
issue, an apprenticeship program was one of • Propane marketers – facilitate the on-
the great ideas that came from that dialogue,” the-job training and education, including identi-
recalls Michael Caldarera, P E , NPGA’s Senior fying apprentices and mentors, paying increasing
Vice President of Regulatory & Technical Affairs wages as skills increase, providing all necessary
“We discussed how the industry is aging, and how information to NPGA, and tracking apprentice
we were going to bring more young blood into hours and competencies
propane These apprenticeships aren’t the only Which might seem like a lot of work for
mechanism for addressing that, but they can pro- propane marketers – but participation in the
vide an enhanced tool in the toolkit for workforce propane apprenticeship programs can be an
development ” extremely worthwhile investment, helping attract
Apprenticeship programs not only help recruit, and keep highly skilled employees, minimize
train and retain, but also help employees visualize worker turnover, and enhance productivity for the
a career path within a company and the industry long-term
The apprentices earn a national credential upon All of the apprenticeships require a min-
completion imum of 6-12 months of education and train-
ing, and are competency-based, meaning the
Propane Apprenticeship Programs Primer apprentice works with a mentor on-the-job to
NPGA is offering four types of DOL-regis- learn and demonstrate competency in the re-
tered propane apprenticeships to connect moti- quired skills The program is approved by a DOL
vated workers with marketers needing to develop as a “learn-and-earn” opportunity, which means
highly skilled employees: apprentices can earn full-time pay as they learn
1) service techs, including tank, piping, new skills, including progressive pay raises as they
and appliance installers; reach program milestones
2) bobtail vehicle drivers for short-haul Upon completion of the program, individ-
delivery vehicles; uals earn a Certificate of Completion in Appren-
3) transport vehicle drivers for long-haul ticeship – sometimes known as a “journeyman
delivery vehicles; and credential” – from the DOL The agency believes
4) utility/service vehicle drivers for light in apprenticeships as a proven solution for recruit-
truck or delivery service vehicles ing, training, and retaining entry-level employ-
The implementation of the apprenticeship ees, and estimates about 5 million people will be
programs likewise represents a four-way organiza- trained through apprenticeships in 1,000 industries
tional partnership: – including software, engineering, and electrical –
•NPGA – sponsors and administers the pro- over the next five years.
grams, including filing all proper paperwork with “This is a nationally recognized credential,”
the DOL, as well as working with propane busi- Caldarera notes “There’s inherent value for both
nesses to launch their programs and with appren- employers and apprentices in going through this
ticeship applicants to refer them to participating program and in meeting its high level of rigor In
marketers; the certification, employers see the commitment
•PERC –has developed educational and in the apprentice willing to persevere to achieve
training materials for lessons to achieve appren- it and, likewise, the apprentice sees the commit-
16 Alabama Propane Gas Association | July / August 2021