Page 4 - july-august 2021
P. 4

word from the president

              ’m very excited to begin my year serving           event
              as your president of the Alabama Propane                Secondly, I cannot say enough about the
              Gas Association, and I look forward to the         wonderful job Randy Hayden, Marica Bond, and
           Icontinuation of the many programs now in place       Lori Berteau did planning and hosting this year’s
            that have made the APGA one of the best propane      convention  The Louisiana Propane Gas Association
            associations in the country  Lisa Hill, our Executive   is a fantastic partner and plans are already in
            Director, is to be commended for keeping us on top   the works for next year’s
            and going the extra mile every day!                  convention in Perdido which
                 My many years in the propane industry and       will be hosted by APGA
            my years as a Rotarian have taught me several             Finally, I hope you
            things relative to articles and presentations… Be    and your family enjoyed
            Bold, Be Brilliant, but most of all Be Brief  In keeping   this Fourth of July weekend
            with this thought, I will forgo commenting on the    Gathered to celebrate our
            bold and brilliant aspects of the Propane Industry as   exceptional nation, may
            these are a given as all of you know                 we never forget all of the
                 First, I would like to congratulate and thank   brave men and women
            Bill Mayo for his distinguished service this past year   who protect and defend
            as our president  The uncertainty and challenges     our nation and the many   uTom Cheathamu
            of the pandemic were real, and Bill’s guidance       sacrifices that have been
            and leadership helped us all forge ahead to keep     made for our Freedom   God Bless America, the
            our programs moving forward  Rather than cancel      land of the free because of the brave!
            this year’s annual summer convention, Bill and Lisa       One last note     although we’re in the dog
            formulated a plan of action that enabled us to       days of summer, Winter’s Coming! I hope to see all
            bring our membership together in Pensacola Beach     of you at our next meeting in August!■
            for another memorable, educational, and fun

                        •  Hydraulics                             •  Alternative Fuel Conversions
                        •  Meters                                 •  Preventive Maintenance
                        •  Calibrations                           •  Brakes and Wheel End
                        •  Hose Reels                             •  Major Engine (most makes and models)
                        •  Wiring and Pneumatics                  •  Electronic Engine Diagnosis
                        •  Tank Repair/Replacement                    (most makes and models)

                        •  Remote Shutdown                        •  Transmission and Diœerential
                        •  Valve and Piping                       •  Driveline
                        •  Bulk Product Pumps                     •  Chassis Exchanges
                        •  PTO                                    •  HVAC
                        •  Complete Unit Refurbishing             •  Rear Axle Relocation
                •  Hydraulics              •  MC331 Cargo Tank Inspection (VIPKT)  •  Alternative Fuel Conversions
                •  Meters                  •  FMCSA Annual Vehicle Inspection   •  Preventive Maintenance
                                                                  •  Frame Length Modifications

                        •  MC331 Cargo Tank Inspection (VIPKT)
                •  Calibrations            •  Custom Length Certified LP Gas Hoses  •  Brakes and Wheel End
                •  Hose Reels •  FMCSA Annual Vehicle Inspection  •  Welding and Fabrication
                                                                                •  Major Engine (most makes and models)
                        •  Custom Length Certified LP Gas Hoses
                                                                                •  Electronic Engine Diagnosis
                •  Wiring and Pneumatics                          •  Full-Service Paint and Body
                •  Tank Repair/Replacement  •  Frame Length Modifications •  Sandblasting      (most makes and models)
                                                                                •  Transmission and Differential
                •  Remote Shutdown         •  Welding and Fabrication  •  Frame Off Restoration
                •  Valve and Piping        •  Full-Service Paint and Body       •  Driveline
                •  Bulk Product Pumps      •  Sandblasting                      •  Chassis Exchanges
                        Note* All available services may not be listed.
                •  PTO                     •  Frame Off Restoration             •  HVAC
                        For more information, contact Tank Services, LLC at (601) 574-TANK (8265).
                •  Complete Unit Refurbishing                                   •  Rear Axle Relocation
                                    A ROUSH CleanTech       A Certified ‘R’ Stamp       An Authorized   Note* All available
                                    Service Center          Tank Repair Facility        Service Center  services may not
                                                                                                     be listed.
                     408 Hwy 49 South  • Richland, MS 39218 • 601-574-8265 •
     4                                           Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  July / August 2021
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