Page 17 - mar-apr 2023
P. 17

Fleet Service and Savings are Nearby
               Fleet Service and Savings are Nearby
                                     for Autogas Vehicles
                                     for Autogas Vehicles

                   ropane autogas is the fuel of choice for    ment parts, training, and service locations more
                   more than 60,000 vehicles in the U S , pri-  readily accessible to the industry
                   marily because it boosts profitability by          A growing network of more than 500 auto-
           Pproviding fleet owners the lowest total            gas OEM-certified service centers nationwide has
            cost-of-ownership of any fuel                      been identified on a new, interactive map hosted
                    In 2022, the cost of traditional fuels hit   on PERC’s website at Propane com/IndustryFleets
            record-high levels while propane autogas re-       Fleet directors can use the map to find the near-
            mained 30-50 percent below the cost of gas-        est Alliance AutoGas, Freightliner Custom Chassis,
            oline or diesel  Factor in comparative mainte-     ICOM or ROUSH CleanTech facility and contact
            nance and service costs and the total savings      information
            vs  diesel registers a whopping 53 percent                “It’s important to identify and contact a
                    “For propane marketers, the most prof-     service center in your area before making the
            itable way to combat the high costs and poor       commitment to propane autogas for your fleet,“
            performance of diesel is to make the switch to     Whaley says  “This new tool makes it simple to
            propane autogas  Not only will you enjoy the       make that vital connection ”
            lower fuel costs and total cost-of-ownership,             Don’t want to part with your current service
            with every trip you’ll be proving to prospective   team? Whaley says OEM propane vehicle solution
            fleet customers just how much you trust our        providers are willing to train and certify additional
            fuel,” says Steve Whaley, PERC’s director of       sites to meet fleet adoption needs.
            autogas business development                              Meanwhile, PERC is partnering with Cerritos
                    Yet recent surveys show that more than     College to add autogas service technician train-
            90 percent of the propane industry’s roughly       ing to its Advanced Transportation Technology &
            60,000 assorted fleet vehicles run on gasoline or   Logistics program lineup  The Los Angeles-based
            diesel                                             school has been a leader in alternative fuel tech-
                    Propane autogas vehicles include EPA-      nology training for 25 years in CNG, hybrids, and
            and CARB-certified bobtails, service trucks, rack   electric vehicles
            trucks, and other medium-duty vehicles in both            The partnership will produce basic courses
            OEM dedicated and aftermarket conversions          and training resources that focus on theory, oper-
            So why aren’t more propane marketers using         ation, general maintenance, safety procedures
            the product they sell as the primary fuel in their   and protocols of propane autogas
            own fleets?                                               The training targets both students and
                    Support and service after the sale is      existing service technicians  It will be shared with
            critical to the success of any fleet program.  De-  two-year vocational schools and technical col-
            spite steady advances in vehicle technology,       leges nationwide, and also used by OEM partners
            EPA-certified conversion systems, and refueling    as a prerequisite to their brand-specific training as
            infrastructure, marketers say the perceived        a way to grow their service networks
            dearth of expertise to service them is a per-             Explore PERC’s Propane Industry Fleet
            sistent hurdle  But that’s changing                Vehicle Fact Sheet that covers every available
                    PERC has been working with vehicle         make and model of propane autogas-powered
            and system manufacturing partners to make          fleet vehicle. You can find that and other valuable
            information about technical support, replace-      propane autogas resources, at Propane com/In-
                                                               dustryFleets ■

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