Page 18 - mar-apr 2023
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                              The Alabama Propane Gas

                      Association Partners with Duty

                          to Warn & P3 Propane Safety

                 The Alabama Propane Gas Association is proud to announce a new partnership with
                 leading energy experts to provide additional benefits and services to our members.

                 WHAT’S INCLUDED?
                 P3 Duty to Warn takes care of the entire process                WHY USE P3
                 for you. This comprehensive and cost-e€ective
                 service helps propane marketers comply with                     DUTY TO WARN?
                 their annual Duty to Warn mailing.

                                                                                    Reduce Risk

                                                                                    Informing customers
                             Customized letter                                      about safety concerns

                             Propane customers receive a professionally             can lower the risk of a

                             customized and branded letter explaining the           propane-related
                             importance of propane safety.
                                                                                    Save Money
                             PERC scratch-and-sni
 brochure                         P3 Duty to Warn gets
                             This brochure outlines safety practices and how        the best printing prices.
                             to detect early warning signs of a gas leak.           Save Time
                                                                                    Save precious company
                                                                                    time and energy! With
                             Confirmation certificate                                 P3 Duty to Warn,
                             Once the safety mailing is complete, a signed          everything is handled.
                             certificate is sent to (you) the propane marketer
                             to confirm communications were received.                Protect Your Company
                                                                                    Sending an annual Duty
                                                                                    to Warn safety mailing
                             Record keeping                                         is an industry best
                             P3 Duty to Warn will track who received your           practice approved by
                             mailing and keep records of your mailings.             insurance providers
                                                                                    and can provide legal
                                                                                    protection in the event
                                                                                    of litigation.
                             Postage and printing
                             Postage and printing are completed through the
                             use of well-respected printers and mail houses.

                       Michelle Wilson  •  •  (774) 259-9424
                     Jerry Schimmel  •  •  (401) 481-2281

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