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P. 4
word from the president
n my travels across the state of Alabama, all of the
Also, the
Propane Dealers are thankful for the Winter we are
Joint Summer
having this season, especially the month of Jan-
uary. Although for the Dealers in North Alabama
and Mississippi, it was bittersweet. With the snow Convention in June
will be here before
and ice, most of these Dealers were unable to deliver we know it. Mark
propane to their customers for at least four days. This your calendars now
caused some of the Dealers in the harder hit areas to and save the date.
fall behind by as much as 300 Gas deliveries. Some The room block and
of the Dealers I talked with said that after hearing the agenda are avail-
forecast for winter precipitation, they took a proac- able now. Please
tive approach to the situation and worked late during make plans to bring
the week and on Saturday and Sunday, which helped your family and Bubba Quick
greatly. enjoy some fun in the APGA President
All members are welcome to attend the next sun.
scheduled Committee/Board meeting on March 7, The 2024 APGA Membership Directory is
2024, at the APGA Office in Prattville, AL. These meet- now available in print and online formats. Thank you
ings are a great opportunity for members to take part to our supplier member advertisers. Their gener-
in the decisions that shape the future of our industry. ous support made this publication possible. Print
You can attend the meeting via zoom as well! Please let copies are being mailed out or you can pick your copy
Laural Bunn know if you plan to attend the meeting or if up when you join us at the March 7th Committee and
you would like her to send you a zoom link. Board meetings.■
4 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2024