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from the executive director’s desk

                    his year is in full swing and I am happy to   agencies and local gov-
                    bring you updates on all of the exciting     ernments from prohibit-
                    things happening for the APGA. In late Feb-  ing or restricting access
            Truary, APGA President Brian Rogers stepped          to an appliance based
            down from his post due to a change in employment.    solely upon the type of
            Brian was a great supporter of APGA and our initia-  energy the appliance uses
            tives. APGA thanks him for his dedicated service and   to operate. In Alabama,
            wishes him the best for his future. In accordance    residential and commer-
            with APGA by-laws, VP Bubba Quick will serve as
            President until he is officially installed in June. We   cial sales represent 67%
            look forward to his leadership over the coming       of all propane sold. These
            months.                                              accounts provide the bed-    Laural Bunn
                                                                 rock demand marketers rely
                   The featured story for this issue is the NPGA
            Southeastern Expo and Conference in Charlotte, NC    on. Senate Bill 50 would provide legal protections for
            on April 5th-7th. This is sure to be another great expo   consumer access to the propane-powered appliances
            with networking events and an expo hall filled with   and equipment. Click here to fill out a quick form to
            great products for your business. This year's keynote   support SB 50. It just takes a few minutes to complete
            speaker is also sure to delight attendees. APGA will   to help protect access to propane appliances!
            have a General Business Meeting in Room W203 at              We hope to see you at the Winter Committee
            the Charlotte City Center on April 7th at 9:30am. For   and Board Meetings on March 7th, at the APGA Office.
            more information, see page 10. We hope you'll make   Please feel free contact me to discuss your needs or
            plans to attend the expo and join us at the APGA     concerns. I'm always happy to help and to do what I
            meeting while there.                                 can to promote the propane industry in Alabama.■
                   We also have four important announce-
            ments for you. First, the 2024 APGA Scholarship
            Applications are now open! The deadline to sub-
            mit applications is March 25th. You can read more
            about program on page 31. Second, the 2024
            Propane Construction Incentive Program is open.
            We'd love to see more Alabama builders apply for
            rebates. See page 32 for program details. Third, the
            2024 APGA/LPGA Summer Convention Room Block
            is now open. Turn to page 29 to book your room
            now. This event will be featured in the May/June is-
            sue. Fourth, PERC announced the 2023 Annual Sales
            Report opens on March 1st. Your participation helps
            to determine how much each state receives from      Providing Propane
            PERC's state rebate program. State rebate funds     Marketing, Supply and
            support local programs in Alabama, like workforce   Logistical Solutions
                                                                Throughout North America
            training classes, Safe Installation Appliance Re-
            bates, and building relationships with homeowners,
            farmers, and fleet managers. All marketers should
            participate to help ensure APGA receives an accu-              VP LPG Trading & Marketing  VP LPG Trading & Marketing
                                                                               Al Lajoie
                                                                                            Chris Roth
            rate amount funding.                                  
                                                                      Northeast / Mid-Atlantic  Midwest / Southeast  Southeast
                                                                                                 Warner Jones
                                                                                     Sumeet Paul
                                                                         Jeff Steppat
                   In legislative news, Alabama's Legislature        General Manager - Propane Sales  Marketing Representative  Marketing Representative
                                                                        605-760-0839  403-585-6270  662-414-5254
            is considering legislation that would prevent state
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