Page 11 - marchapril2024_neat
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report from npga state director

            and use various communication channels to counter   ples of using AI as a tool and covered common con-
            harmful proposals. The overall message stressed the   cerns around potential job loss and multiple regulatory
            importance of industry vigilance and proactive commu-  updates. While efficiency and data mapping are some
            nication with customers, legislators, and regulators to   of the benefits AI promises to bring the industry, Hoff-
            preserve propane as a crucial energy resource across   man expressed that navigating ongoing regulations is
            the states.                                        top of mind for the immediate future of this developing
            Governmental Affairs Committee
                                                               Renewable Fuels Committee
                   The Governmental Affairs Committee convened
            to receive updates from NPGA staff and discuss press-      The NPGA Renewable Fuels Committee (RFC)
            ing advocacy issues impacting the propane industry.   reviewed the progress made since the October 2023
            As is customary, the Committee broke into three task   meeting. The Federal Legislative, Federal Regulatory,
            force sessions – federal legislative, federal regulatory,   State Advocacy, and Codes and Standards subcommit-
            and state. In the legislative session, NPGA staff provided   tees provided detailed reports on their respective ad-
            updates on the challenges newly-elected Speaker Mike   vocacy activities with a spotlight on significant achieve-
            Johnson faces in passing full-year funding bills and oth-  ments and current priorities in the realm of advocacy
            er key pieces of legislation. The federal regulatory team   for renewable fuels. Jeff Stewart, the RFC Chair, moti-
            discussed recent rulemakings from the Department   vated attendees with a forward-looking perspective and
            of Energy (Furnace, Water Heater, Boiler), the Federal   an emphasis on the importance of continued effort to
            Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the Federal Trade   advance the development and adoption of renewable
            Commission, and guidance from the Occupational     propane and its associated blends.
            Health and Safety Administration. The state breakout       Thank you for the opportunity to represent
            discussed the enactment of energy choice laws in four   you. To read my full report, click here.■
            new states and the extension of legal protections to

                                                                           Dual Second-Stage Regulator
            cover propane appliances, such as fireplaces and cook-         DSS7     Dual Second-Stage Regulator
            PropanePAC                                           The revolutionary DSS7 regulators offer a new
                                                                  level of safety to the industry by shutting off flow
                   The PropanePAC Steering Committee met to        to the building if it detects an unsafe overpressure
            discuss current fundraising efforts, disbursements,     condition or if the container runs out of propane.
            and possible events for the upcoming Propane Days in
            Washington, D.C., and Board of Directors meeting in   • Superior stability and
            San Antonio, TX, later this year. The Committee pro-    performance
                                                                  • Outlet connection has
            posed new ideas for branding and overall PropanePAC     a sensing tube which
            marketing to current and potential contributors and     monitors the
            expressed interest in gift ideas for PAC contributors.     pressure
            An additional focus of the committee was to develop   • Has a 'slam shut'
                                                                    shutoff device
            a more robust peer-to-peer engagement strategy and    • For domestic and
            to expand prior authorization efforts. The committee     light commercial
            stressed the PAC’s importance to supporting the indus-
            try at both the State and Federal levels.

            Propane, Politics, and Coffee
                   The PAC hosted a lively Propane, Politics, &
            Coffee event with Dylan Hoffman, Executive Director
            of TechNet.  Hoffman presented an engaging overview
            about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impacts on the
            propane industry. Hoffman reviewed the basic princi-        |  800.448.9504

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