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the alternatives. It is time for our industry to join forces   company’s strategic direction and ensuring continued
            to meet this challenge and tell the story that needs to   success.Don't miss this opportunity to engage with the
            be told.                                           hosts while attending this live interactive podcast.
                   After the NPGA Welcome and PERC Update,             Sunday's Prayer Breakfast will feature Tiffany
            attendee's are invited to the Expo Hall Welcome    Johnson, Shark Attack Survivor, Speaker, Author, and
            Reception. Check out the 2024 exhibitors and begin   Kingdom Builder. Plan to come hear this gifted speak-
            networking as event-goers gather together to celebrate   er, author, and singer share her message of hope and
            the opening of the expo hall. All attendees with a Full   restoration with attendees. Her message focuses on
            Conference & Expo pass are welcome and receive two   overcoming difficulties, dealing with change, and taking
            complimentary drink tickets at registration. Following   practical steps to process it all. Tiffany has been fea-
            the Welcome Reception, join the Young Gassers for   tured on the Today Show, CNN, Animal Planet, and in
            an evening with friends and colleagues at their annual   The Seattle Times, People magazine, and more.
            reception. Don't miss the opportunity to relax and have      APGA Executive Director, Laural Bunn, will also
            a little fun with food and an open bar at Bank of Amer-  be in attendance at this year's Expo. We encourage you
            ica Stadium, North Club Lounge. Admission is compli-  to attend this exciting event as welll. APGA is scheduled
            mentary to Young Gassers members or $45 per person   to hold their General Business Meeting on Sunday,
            in advance, or $50 at the door.                    April 7th, at 9:30 a.m. at the Expo. The meeting will be
                   On Saturday, we encourage you to sign up for   in Room W203 of the Charlotte City Center. For more
            the The Women In Propane Roundtable: Through the   information, please contact Laural Bunn. The agenda
            Leadership Lens event. The Women in Propane Council   will cover upcoming events and provide updates on
            is hosting a special LIVE interactive Through the Lead-  association programs. If you plan to attend, please click
            ership Lens Podcast, where attendees will hear from a   here to RSVP via email. We hope to see you in Charlotte
            panel of some of the podcast’s past guests, and gain   for this year's event! Haven't registered for this year's
            insight as hosts Bridget Kidd and Freddie Ridler navigate   Expo yet? The NPGA room block is available until March
            questions about leadership from the live and virtual au-  8, 2024. For the Southeastern Expo agenda, please see
            dience. The hosts for this year's WIP event are well-sea-  page 14. To register and book your accommodations for
            soned leaders in their fields. Bridget Kidd is the Chief   this event, click here.■
            Executive Officer for PERC. Her
            responsibilities range from
            working with PERC’s execu-
            tive leadership team, Council,
            state associations, and other
            related groups to support the           Bobtails     to       Bulkplants
            development and execution
            of the organizations’ busi-
            ness strategy, as well as all
            PERC development initiatives,
            policies, rules and procedures
            and propane-industry-facing        New Bobtails   Betts Vapor Proof Lights:     New Installations
                                                                                           Maintenance & Repairs
            initiatives. Freddie Ridler has   Refurbished Bobtails  complete stock of lights, lens   All Work Performed to NFPA 58
                                             Hydrostatic Testing
                                                                 & accessories
                                            Annual VK Inspections
                                                                                             Code Upgrades
            been involved with various     Annual DOT Inspections  Dispenser Calibration  Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal
                                                                 Truck Meter &
            groups expanding his journey,   Base Engineering Shutdown
            adaptability, and wealth of
            knowledge within RCC. His                             FREE ESTIMATES
            engagement with RCC’s instru-  40 Industry Drive     Jason Gamble, Owner                 (256) 593-2420
                                                                                                     (800) 757-6639
            mental leadership team plays   Boaz, AL 35956            (205) 616-9084              Fax: (256) 593-2460
            a crucial role in shaping the
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