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2024 Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo
egistration is now open for the 2024 2024 SOUTHEASTERN CONVENTION
Southeastern Convention & Inter- & INTERNATIONAL PROPANE EXPO
national Propane Expo™. This event
Rbrings together more than 4,000
members of the propane industry from across
the United States and beyond. The 2024 Expo
is being held at the Charlotte Convention Cen-
ter in Charlotte, North Carolina, Friday, April
5th – Sunday, April 7th. Check out the Sched-
ule at a Glance to start planning your time!
What to Expect: START YOUR
• Collaboration - Make new business con-
tacts and connect with colleagues, old ENGINES
and new, at valuable networking events
offered each day at the Expo. RACING AHEAD WITH PROPANE!
• Education - Choose from more than 40
education session or workshops.
• Innovation - Discover more than 250
suppliers of goods and services. Expo
offers the largest array of propane-related
products and services in the world; all in
one convenient location.
NASCAR Legend is Expo Keynote Speaker
NPGF Golf Tournament & LP Gas Hall of Fame
On Friday, April 4th, NPGA will have NASCAR
On Thursday, before the official festivities have Photo Credit: H Nam
begun, the NPGF Golf Tournament and LP Gas Hall legend Rusty Wallace as their keynote speaker. For
of Fame Induction Dinner will be held. oin NPGA in more than 40 years, Wallace has delighted fans with
an exciting NPGA members-only afternoon of golf at his hard-nosed and aggressive approach to racing and
the Springfield Golf Course in Fort Mill, SC. The tour- a personality and charisma that are unmatched in the
nament will start with a 1:30 pm shotgun start at the sport. Well-recognized by the racing world and with
Springfield Golf Course in Fort Mill, SC. Space is limited numerous accomplishments outside racing, Wallace is a
so register today! All proceeds benefit the NPGF sought-after public speaker. Don’t miss this exciting op-
Scholarship Fund. The $200 registration fee includes: portunity to hear how Wallace has succeeded in racing
Roundtrip bus transportation from Charlotte, Greens and beyond.
Fee & Range Balls, Lunch & Refreshments. For Golfer NPGA Welcome & PERC Update
registration and sponsorship information click here. The Host of Ceremonies for the propane indus-
Thursday evening, the LP Gas Hall of Fame will try's largest event is Stephen Kaminski, President and
honor the legends, icons and leaders who have helped CEO of NPGA. On Friday, Steve will welcome attendees
establish, advance and grow the propane industry. This and invite them to learn about NPGA's advocacy efforts
annual peer-recognized achievement culminates in this in the politically-charged landscape of Washington, DC
black-tie celebration of the people who have contrib- and across the country.
uted to its storied history. All are welcome to attend Next, Tucker Perkins, President and CEO of
this special event as the Class of 2024 is inducted at PERC will provide event-goers with an update on PERC
the Westin Charlotte on the eve of the Southeastern initiatives. Tucker Perkins will talk about how to tell the
Convention & International Propane Expo. For more world how propane is providing the energy that benefits
information or to purchase tickets click here. users and the environment for a fraction of the cost of
12 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2024