Page 4 - may-june 2022
P. 4
word from the president
reetings fellow members and friends! and ties have been replaced with logo clad
Spring is in the air, the pollen is polo shirts and the atmosphere is certainly more
heavy, and cool temperatures are still casual There are many more onsite training
Gwith us in the early mornings I hope opportunities now thanks to the efforts of NPGA
all of you are doing well and business is good and PERC, and this is great for our Industry
and steady! And of course, some
I’m writing this short message as I prepare things are the very same
to head to Nashville for the NPGA Propane Expo and possibly the best…
– aka as The Southeastern. My first Southeastern connecting with Industry
was 1982, and I have yet to miss one Many friends from across the
wonderful and exciting memories come to mind country year after year!
from years gone by … Roasting a pig on the People make this Industry
Holland commercial grill just outside the entrance and for that I’m truly
to the show and feeding BBQ to all who stopped thankful!
by…Enjoying delicious, jumbo shrimp from the Best wishes uTom Cheathamu
Sea of Cortez compliments of Manchester Tank… from APGA to you for
Struggling while trying to unload a 20ft vertical continued success!■
propane dispenser off a crane truck out on the
sidewalk on Peachtree St… Super fun for sure!
Many changes since my first show as coats
5/28/21 1:56 PM
APGA_AutoGas_Ad_May_2021.indd 1 5/28/21 1:56 PM
APGA_AutoGas_Ad_May_2021.indd 1
4 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2022