Page 8 - may-june 2022
P. 8
from the executive director’s desk
e are right in the middle of our employee needing a CDL, use the NPGA/ACE
APGA training schedule If you program to get their Entry Level training complet-
have new employees who need ed See page 6 for more information
Wtraining, please click here to see It’s time to com-
courses being offered now plete the Annual Retail
Don’t forget about the APGA Rebate Sales Survey. For the first
Program when you are selling/installing new ap- time, propane retailers
pliances for your customers It’s easy to get them this year are asked to
up to $600 depending on what appliances are respond to the annu-
being installed Click here to get the guidelines al retail propane sales
and application report directly on PERC’s
website, propane com/
We would love to see you at the upcom- salesreport
ing Summer Convention See the convention in- Every propane
formation in this issue on pages 10-13 and register retailer was sent an uLisa Hillu
today email and a letter directing
If you have not created accounts on them to visit a secure portal on propane com to
the GeneratioNext and V E T S portals, please complete their company’s report for 2021 retail
see page 2 in this issue and get connected with sales Submit your survey by May 31 to help en-
potential new employees today sure your state receives an accurate amount of
Don’t forget that if you have a new state rebate funding from 20 percent of PERC’s
annual revenues, and to
Looking for a reliable, see that your assessment
dollars are used in the most
customized supply plan? efficient way to support
market trends
Crestwood offers experienced NGL professionals committed to
creating reliable, yet flexible supply plans that meet your needs. Individual responses are
kept confidential and
Things you may not know anonymous Only summary
about Crestwood: statistics are presented in
Assets include Hattiesburg, MS and Tirzah, SC both equipped with
storage, truck rack and rail rack as well as multiple rail terminals the final report, and data
in the Southeastern US. is never disclosed to third
Manage over 300,000 bbls/day of propane across the country with parties. The final report is
assets connected to major supply hubs.
One of the largest truck and rail propane fleets in the country, with shared on propane com/
over 250 trucks and 2000 rail cars. salesreport and incorpo-
Offer flexible price risk management solutions. rated into the National
Want to know more? and State Propane Profiles,
Call today for help with supply programs, index showing market trends by
pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or state and region
our transportation and storage capabilities. If you’re unsure which
Max Johnson person at your company is
Senior Supply and Asset Manager — Southeast responsible for submitting,
D: (816) 329.5316
C: (913) 972.5721 please email PERC at sales-
ICE ID: mjohnson31 report@propane com ■
8 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2022