Page 110 - Just Speak Up 1
P. 110
The movie also starred Angelina Jolie. Brad Pitt is Materials: glass) paper) cloth) cardboard) plastiC)
famous because he's very good looking) and he's a metal
pretty good actor.
Ö Choose one of the questions below. Prepare
2. Give the names of three famous singers and your answers to this question by writing
talk about one of them.
notes below. Use the questions from part 3 to
Three famous singers are Michael JacksoH) Elton help with your notes.
John, and Celine Dion. Michael Jackson is best
Answers will vary,
known for his album Thriller, which sold millions
of copies in the early I98٥s. Some other interestirrg a. ly is it dangerous for the environment when
things about him are that he owned a monkey cities grow and take up more land?
lived in an amusement park) and had some It is harmful for the environment because there
trouble with the law.
is less land available for trees and other plants to
3. Give the titles of three famous movies and talk grow and for animals to live. Fewer plants mean
about one of them. less oxygen is produced. Since all living things
need o^gen to survive, of course this is bad.
Lord of the Rings؛ Harr-y Potter, Mvhiferry Maguire
are three famous movies. Lord ofthe Rings is one b. What are the effects of polluting water?
of my favorite movies because the special effects Explain.
are amazing. I really like the book) so I was happy Our water comes from rivers and streams. The
when the movie was just as good. main danger of polluting this water is that people
4. Give he tides ofthree famous TV shows and talk have to use or drinkit. If there is too much pollution
about one ofthem. in streams, the amount of available fresh water
will not be enough for everyone to drink,
Lost, 24, and Scrubs are all good TV shows. I really
like Lost because it is very interesting. It is about c. What household items can be recycled? What
an airplane that crashed on an island and all the do you collect at home for recycling?
people realize that something strange is happening We can recycle paper, cardboard, cloth) plastic,
on tire island. They see very strange things and metal, and glass. For recycling) my family and I
meet other people on the island. collect old newspapers, magazines, old clothes,
milk cartons, plastic containers, and aluminum
cans. Recycling is important because it means
Unit 08 The Env؛ronment that we can reuse a lot of things. This conserves
o Listen to the speakers. Write the questions
that they answer, Θ Listen to each response and match it to the
question it answers,
a. .Speaker #1 : lat is one way to produce electricity?
a. 3
b. Speaker #2: What is an effect of water pollution?
b. 2
c. Speaker #3: What is global waming?
0 Sort the words by writing them in the correct
categories. v Extra Practice
Nature: plants, land, streams, trees, rivers, animals Try answering one or more of these questions
Actions: grow, drink, recycle, collect, produce, for extra practice. Use at least three sentences in
pollute your response to each question.