Page 115 - Just Speak Up 1
P. 115

: Αη5Λΐ١٠٥١٢         Key

           b. What things make you feel angry and why?          think I have a good sense of humor. I realاًy enjoy
             Describe a situation when you felt like that.      funny movleS; so I always go to see new comedies
              I feel angry when something unfair happens, and I  at the cinema. I enjoy funny novels, too, though
              can't change it. I hate it when people are unfair to  not as much as movies.
              each other. For example, we were doing a group  3. ^at things make you cover your eyes and
              project at school, and one of the students was not  why? Describe a situation like that.
              participating enough. But after we presented the  Scary things make me cover my eyes. I always do
              project well, we all received a good grade, including  that when I watch something very scary because I
              the student who didn’t do much work,
                                                                try to separate  myself from the scary scene. Once
            c. What things make you feel embarrassed and        I was watching a horror movie with my friends,
             why? Describe a situation when you felt like       and it was really scary, so I covered nay eyes every
             that.                                              time something scary happened.
              I feel really embarrassed when I do something   4. What things make you blush and why?
              wrong and someone sees me do it. I feel like that  Describe a situation like that.
              because I know that wliat I am doing is wrong,    When I feel embarrassed or find myself in an
              and I feel ashamed when I am caught. For example,  uncomfortable situation, I blush. I do that
              one day I was unprepared for a class quiz, so I   because I understand that I did or said something
              decided to lookin my notebook during the quiz.    strange and other people saw or heard it. Once,
              My teacher caught me doing it!                    my friends and I were at a party, and we were

                                                                discussing this person that we didn't like very
        Θ  Listen to each response and match it to the          much. I was talking very loudly. Then, I turned
            question it answers,
                                                                around and I realized that person was riglit
            a.  3                                               behind me. How embarrassing!
            b.  1

                                                            Unit 13  Air Trave!

         ♦j.  Extra Practice                              o  Listen to the speakers. Write the questions

            Try answering one or more of these questions      that they answer,
            for extra practice. Use at least three sentences in  a.  Speaker#!: Have you flown on a plane?
            your response to each question.
                                                              b. Speaker #2: What is the best way to buy airline
            Sample Responses                                               tickets?

            1. What things make you feel tired and why?       c.  Speaker #3: What can jaeojale do - د?
              Describe a situation like that.
              I feel really tired after I come back home from  Θ  Sort the words by writing them in the correct
              soccer practice. Because I try really hard to improve  categories.
              my skills, I practice a lot. When I get liome all I  Descriptions: large, domestic, convenient, early,
              want to do is go to bed, but I usually have lots of  major, international
                                                              Actions: make, fly, specify, provide, arrive, visit
            2. What things make you laugh and why?
              Describe a situation like that.                 Things: luggage, compartment, airplane, boarding
                                                              pass, magazine, passport
              There are many things that make me laugh. I

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