Page 121 - Just Speak Up 1
P. 121
: AnsvN ،؟!: Key
a. Speaker #1: Why do people like to use the
Extra Practice
Try answering one or more of these questions
for extra practice. Use at least three sentences in b. Speaker #2: What can happen ifyou spend too
your response to each question. much time online?
c. Speaker #3: Should د allow د to use
Sample Responses
the Internet?
1. Have you ever had a massage? Would you like
to have one/another one? ^y? © Sort the words by writing them in the correct
Yes, I once went to a spa to have a massage and a categories.
bodywrap for my skin. It was very relaxing. Tlie Internet Vocabulary: file, download, website,
masseuse took time to massage my back and my program, access, post
arms. 1 would like to have another one sometime
because it really relaxed me and made me feel great. Where People Use the Internet: at school, at
home, in a library, coffee shops, Internet cafe, at
2. Give reasons why physical education (PE) work
classes are important.
Why People Use the Internet: send pictures, buy
PE classes are very important at school because things, research, meet people, send email, sell things
they give schoolchildren a chance to exercise
during the day. As we know, students spend a Θ Choose one of the questions below. Prepare
lot of time sitting at their desks, so getting some your answers to this question by writing
exercise during the day is very important. It keeps notes below. Use the questions from part 3 to
tlieir muscles strong and their circulation systems help with your notes.
working well.
Answers will vary,
3. ^y is it important to take care ofyour teeth?
a. ^y is it convenient to have and use email?
It is important to take care of our teetli because
we have only one set of adult teeth in our lives. It is very convenient to have and use email
We have to make sure they stay strong and because it is another fast and easy way to contact
healthy and serve US for a long time. If all your somebody besides using a telephone. All you
teeth fall out, you can only eat liquids, like soup need is an email program on your computer.
or smoothies. Secondly, email is free, so you don't need to pay
anything. I really enjoy communicating with
4. Give examples of bad habits that negatively people from around the world,
influence people’s health. Explain.
b. What are the advantages of having Internet
Bad habits that negatively influence our health access at home?
are smoking, consuming alcohol, using drugs, and
having sedentary lifestyles. These can all contribute There are many advantages of having Internet
to bad health. In fact, these kinds of habits can kill access at home. First, you can go online anytime
you! if you have a computer in your house. You don't
have to go to the library or your school. I like
to go on the Internet and check my email in the
evenings or sometimes in the morning before I go
Unit 18 The Internet
to school,
o Listen to the speakers. Write the questions c. Describe howpeople use the Internet.
that they answer. People use the Internet for various reasons. Some
of them use it for business to communicate with