Page 123 - Just Speak Up 1
P. 123
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Traditioiial!y, it is more important for women in bonuses in the form of money or extra days oft
my country to take care of their families than to Companies often take out their entire staff to a
have a career. My family didn't really follow this really fancy restaurant. The really large companies
tradition. My parents wanted all of tlieir children have retreats at mountain or beach resorts to allow
to work in a successful career. Hopefully I can their staff time to relax and bond together as a
have both a successful career and a successful team.
family life, but it is hard to say what will happen in 3. Where and how do you find a good job?
tlie future,
I think tliere are many ways that you can find a
c. Would you accept a job that required a lot of good job. One way is to establish a network of
traveling? Explain. friends who are already successful at their jobs,
Yes, I would accept ajob tliat required a lot of so they might recommend you. Another way is to
traveling, as long as I was not married. After I got search through a newspaper’s classified ads. If I
married, I would choose to spend more time with knew the company I wanted to work for, I would
my wife and my children. As a single person, I go to its website and apply directly for a job with
would not have the responsibilities of supporting the company.
a family, so I could do more things that I wanted
Workaholics are people who care only about their
Θ Listen to each response and match it to the jobs and disregard the rest of their lives. They are
question it answers. always tlie first ones to come to work and the last
ones to leave. They rarely have hobbies or other
interests outside of work.
Unit 20 Literature and Books
Extra Practice
o Listen to the speakers. Write the questions
Try answering one or more of these questions that they answer,
for extra practice. Use at least three sentences in
your response to each question. a. Speaker #1 : How often do you read ئ ئ?
b. Speaker #2: Have you read a book that is also a
Sample Responses
1. Ifyou had a choice, what would you choose to
become? ١٩Tiy? c. Speaker #3: Why is it important to read classical
If I had a choice, I would like to become an
elementary school teacher. Elementary school © Sort the words by writing them in the correct
teachers are very important because they help to categories.
shape kids' attitudes and outlook on life. Because
I could do so much to help kids get started on Things to Read: newspapers, labels, posters, comic
the right track, I want to be an elementary school books, street signs, bus schedules
teacher. In a Book: characters, plot, settings, illustratiorrs,
2. How do companies in your country reward pictures, events
workers/employees? Places to Study: library, park, living room, school,
Companies can reward workers in my countryin bedroom, computer- room
many different ways. First, workers can receive