Page 81 - Just Speak Up 1
P. 81
Unit 18
О Choose one of the questions below. Prepare your answer to this question
by writing notes below. Use the questions from Part 3 to help with your notes,
a. Why is it convenient to have and use email?
b. What are the advantages of having Internet access at home?
c. Describe how people use the Internet.
My Notes
Now interview two classmates. They will interview you as well.
First, ask which question they chose. Then make notes of each answer.
My Classmates ệ 1■ 1
Name: Name: —-
Question: Quest ؛ on :
Θ Tell your class about one of the classmates you interviewed.
I talked to Theresa. She described
how people use the Internet. She Ạầ Rate your oi spiaking
said most of her friends and family ٢ Excellent
use tlie Internet for communication, Information: OK Good Excellent
like emailing or calling eacli other. Fluency: OK Good Excellent
Another way that she mentioned
was using the Internet for research.
She also talked about playing games
٧Ν!Τ 18 the !nternet 79