Page 94 - Just Speak Up 1
P. 94
Unit 05 Restaurants Unit 06 Music
Track 13 Track 16
o Listen to the speakers. Write the questions o Listen to the speakers, ^^rite the questions
that they answer, that they answer,
a. Speaker#!: The last restaurant I werrt to was a. Speaker # 1 : My favorite radio station is a sports
Burger World. I went there for lunch witlr nry station, not a music station. Sometimes this station
friends. I like that restaurant because it is rrot plays music when there is not a game on, but most of
expensive and the food is good, tlie time they are talking about sports or broadcasting
a game. I guess I'm not a big music fan.
b. Speaker #2: When I eat out, I usually order iced
tea to drink. I don't like drinking colas. They are too b. Speaker #2: Yes) I like to sing with friends. One of
sweet, and I dorr't like tire bubbles. Also, I think iced the ways that young people spend time in my country is
tea is better with a meal than water, to go out and sing together. We do that a lot more
goingplaces to dance. Some of my friends sing and
c. Speaker #3: Seafood is good for your health dance, but I just like singing,
because it has good oil in it. I tlrink it also has fewer
chemicals in it than chicken or beef. Those kinds of c. Speaker #3: The last time I bought a CD was
nreats cair have lots of unnatural things in them. probably two years ago. I quit buying CDs, and
now I usually just download songs that I like.
Track 15
I think it's better to just buy tire soirgs you like
Q Listen to each response and match it to the iirstead of buying a whole CD that might Irave
question it answers. some songs you don't like.
Response #1:1 like to order dessert. I really like Track 18
if I
clrocolate and fruit. Depeirding on nry irrood aird Q Listen to each response and match it to the
anr still Irungry or not, I sometiirres order a piece of
question it answers.
fruit torte with clrocolate.
Response #1:1 like to sing, but I am not sure if I
Response #2: My favorite restaurant is the Golden
am a good singer. I like to sing at home when I do
Dragon, which is located on tire corner of Main and
something that does not require concentration, like
5* street. It serves Chinese food that is out of this
doing the laundry or taking a shower. However,
world. The food is also very clreap, so we can go
whenever I sing in front of family members, they tell
there every two or three weeks.
me to be quiet.
Response #3: Wlren I go out, I like to try different
Response #2:1 went to a concert last month, and
restaurants, especially when I travel abroad because
I saw my favorite singer, Shakira. She was on a tour
it gives nre a chance to sample foods from different
around the major cities of my country, and she
couirtries. If I frird a really special restaurant, I will go
visited my city as well. She sings Latin pop music.
more thajr once, or take friends tirere.
liked the concert a lot because we could listen and
Response #3: Music can help US learn English
because it's one way to practice listening. For
example, you can listen to songs in English and try
to write down the lyrics. Also, when something is
musical, it is much easier to remember the words.