Page 96 - Just Speak Up 1
P. 96

city. Traffic is a huge problem because traffic jams  Response #3: Yes, I read newspapers and magazines all
             sometimes block tlie streets for hours. Pollution is  a  the time. I like to stay informed about the latest  events at
             major concern. I think people should use their cars  home and abroad. Also, I am a bit of a boolovorm.  I like
             less frequently. Tliey could also carpool to reduce  reading biograpliies. I like books about famous people
             the number of cars on the roads.               and historical events.

           Unit 09  Everyday Activities                       Unit 10  Experiences

         Track 25                                           Track 28
         o Listen to the speakers. Write the questions     o Listen to the speakers. Write the questions
             that they answer,                                 that they answer,
             a. Speaker #1:1 usually get up around six o'clock.  It  a. Speaker#!: A time I was really scared was when
             takes me about 45 minutes to get ready for school,  tire electricty went out iir my apartmeirt building.
             so that's why I get up so early. Most mornings, I  At that time, I was in the elevator! I thought I would
             don't have time to eat breakfast,                 be stuck there for Irours, so I got scared. Luckily,  tire
                                                               power came back on after a few minutes,
             b. Speaker #2: After scliool, I usually play a
             few computer games at home before I start my      b. Speaker #2: The best place I ever visited was
             liomework. I have to tliink a lot at school, so I need  Paris. I had seerr pictures of Paris, and I read  a  lot
             some tinre to relax after I get home. My mom only  about it. Then, I got to go tlrere witlr irry cousin.  We
             lets me play for about 30 mimites. Then, she tells  me  had a great time! It was just like I inragiired.
             to start my homework,
                                                               c. Speaker #3: People usually get nervous before
             c. Speaker #3: My typical weekend is not very     they have to do something in front ofa lot of people.
             interesting. I sleep late on Saturday and Sunday  For example, if a person has to sing or dairce oir stage
             because I have to get up early all week. If I don't go  in froirt ofpeople. Ire or sire will probably be nervous
             out and meet my friends, I like to stay home and  before tlrat. Or if a person Iras to give a presentation
             watch TV or DVDs. My family rents DVDs just       in class, he or she will be nervous their, too.
             about every weekend.
                                                            Track 30
         Track 27
                                                            Q Listen to each response and match it to the
         Q Listen to each response and match it to the         question it answers.
             question it answers.
                                                               Response #1:1 felt really happy during my middle
             Response #1:1 usually go hoirre at about 4:0٥ p.m.  school graduatioir because I got the Iriglrest score  in
             because I have to wait for a sclrool bus to take me  my class. It happened in May of last year. After nry
             home. Right after I get home, I Irave a snack because  exams were over, my pareirts took my sister and me
             I am usually starviirg by tiren. Their, I take a shower.  out for a nice meal to celebrate. It felt great because
             Later, I watch television aird do nryhonrework.   tire celebration was for me.
             Response #2: We usually talk about all sorts of   Response #2:1 was really happy on my 11"' birthday
             tlriirgs. Usually we discuss tire events of our day,  because one of my dreams came true. I Irad beeir
             what happeired, wlroirr we met, and so oir. We also  askiirg my pareirts to get me a puppy for a long, long
             try to plan activities to do duriirg the weekend.  time, but they kept saying no because they didn't
                                                               tlrink I was respoirsible eirough to take care of  a pet.
                                                               When I finally got a puppy for my birtlrday, I felt

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