Page 12 - Petzl-catalog-pro-2018
P. 12

General principles for work at height

             • You must have understood and retained the information from your products' Instructions for Use to be able to apply the techniques
             presented in this document
             • Learning appropriate techniques and methods of protection is your own responsibility. Petzl solutions are given for information only,
             with no guarantee of their effectiveness in your specific working situation. The relevance of these solutions varies by context, so always
             do your own risk analysis in the field
             • Mastering the techniques presented here requires specific training and practice; work with a specialized organization for all training

           General information on falls
           The risk of falling is a key concept to master when working   Fall arrest
           at height. The severity of a fall depends on independent
           factors:                                        The fall arrest system is a belay system
                                                           that is independent of the means of
           • The weight of the user, including equipment:  progression or work positioning.
           The greater the weight, the more energy to be dissipated   The fall arrest system prevents the user
           during the fall.                                from falling to the ground in case of a
           • The length of the fall:                       fall. Its role is to arrest the fall while
           The longer the fall, the more energy to be dissipated during   limiting the impact force experienced by
           the fall. The risk of hitting an obstacle is also greater.  the user. It must therefore be used with
           • The position relative to the anchor:          enough clearance to allow for a free fall.
           When the worker moves above his/her anchor, the severity
           of the potential fall increases. The fall factor concept is
           sometimes used to describe the worker's position relative
           to the anchor and the severity of the fall. This concept
           applies to climbing, restraint, or work positioning
           situations, when a dynamic rope lanyard is used.

           Precautions for the type of system used:
           The Instructions for Use specify the limitations for use
           of equipment, particularly in terms of fall distance and
           the worker's position relative to the anchor.

                                                                 Work positioning
                                                           A work positioning system supports the
                                                           user and allows him/her to be precisely
                                                           positioned with weight on his/her feet.
                                                           This system is not designed to arrest
                                                           a fall; the user must keep his/her body
                                                           weight on the positioning system.
                                                           The work positioning system must be
                                                           supplemented with a fall arrest system.

           A restraint system limits
           the work zone, keeping
           the worker from entering an
           area that may present a risk
           of falling. This system is not
           designed to arrest a fall
           from height.
                                                           The user is working in suspension when
                                                           s/he no longer has weight on his/her
                                                           feet, but is supported primarily by the
                                                           harness. The load is thus shared
                                                           between the waistbelt and the leg

                                                                                        Tetragon Distributors Inc.
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