Page 9 - Petzl-catalog-pro-2018
P. 9

The Petzl Foundation

          Finding new directions

                           Climbing towards a summit or progressing in the vertical world gives birth to passions that make women
                           and men grow, push, rejoice and dream. For over 10 years, the Petzl Foundation's mission has been to
                           support or initiate projects for the greater good through its activities in the mountain and vertical spheres,
                           projects that help bring balance to humankind's place in its natural, cultural, and economic environments.

          The Petzl Foundation:
          - encouraging learning and risk management to avoid accidents
          - promoting the preservation of hard-to-access ecosystems
          - contributing to enhanced understanding of current practices and their environments


          Example of funded project
          Better understanding workplace injuries of rope
          access workers
          Rope work tends to lead to musculo-skeletal problems that are   In a research report made public in June 2017 and available
          directly related to work conditions, difficulty of worksite access,   free of charge in English and French on the Petzl Foundation
          and suspension in the harness. To better understand the   website, the researchers lay out their results:
          causes of injuries to workers at height, the Petzl Foundation   - a description of the population (working conditions, living
          supports a multidisciplinary research team which conducted    conditions, careers, injuries)
          a study of rope access workers in 2016 and 2017.    - the nature of their injuries
                                                              - profiles of the rope access workers in relation to the types
          Even though falls appear to be the number one risk facing   of injuries
          rope work professionals, injuries that present little immediate   - directions for prevention and research perspectives.
          effect or any musculo-skeletal issues can place these workers
          at risk and negatively affect the companies that employ them.  The purpose of this study was to identify new directions for
                                                              prevention to improve the health of rope access workers,
          The objective of the study, supported by the Petzl   whose careers are too often cut short because of injury.
          Foundation and socio-professionals in the sector, was to
          better understand the profile of rope access workers and to   This study was carried out:
          determine the different factors at the root of their workplace   - by the Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité
          injuries and illnesses. The research team was interested not   (LIBM) and the Laboratoire sur les Vulnérabilités et l’innovation
          only in trauma, but also in over-use injuries and other issues   dans le Sport (L-Viss), at the University of Lyon I
          related to the specifics of the profession.         - in partnership with the OPPBTP, the SFETH, the GRETA from
                                                              Die, the DPMC, and the SYFFORAH
          To carry out the study, a questionnaire was distributed to 500
          rope access workers in the Rhône-Alpes region, representing   Petzl Foundation's contribution to the research team in 2016
          approximately 10 % of French rope access workers. The rope   and 2017: 20,000 €
          workers themselves filled in the questionnaires anonymously,
          for privacy reasons. After tabulation, the fieldwork produced   Read about all Petzl Foundation projects at
          478 usable questionnaires, a sample size that approached
          the stated requirement for providing reliable information.

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