Page 22 - SCIE Ambassador Program Strategic Brief
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could assist in securing a videographer or coordinate a patient panel. Financial resources might be
needed for guest lecturers, patients and a videographer.
How Might this Recommendation be Introduced to the Campus Community?
The introduction of this initiative must come from the top levels of leadership. As noted above, SCIE
Ambassadors recommend that it be introduced to all students during orientation. Diversity and cultural
awareness should be considered a prerequisite for entering the field as a health care professional and
including it in the curriculum will help achieve this.
When is the Possible Semester for Delivery?
SCIE Ambassadors believe that this could be introduced next semester. Because courses currently have
guest lecturers, there should be room for 2‐3 lectures that include videos and skits.
What are the Potential Barriers?
Potential barriers include identifying a dedicated staff member(s) to activate and manage this
recommendation. An additional barrier may be making room in the curriculum for the guest lecturers.
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