Page 17 - FCA Diamond Point June 24
P. 17


                      US Army Financial Management Command

                                  (USAFMCOM) Corner (Cont’d)
           The departing Jennings also took a moment to give advice to Williams about her new job.

           “Michelle, as you take command, give them everything,” said Jennings. “Take care of the men and
           women of this command – care for them, guide them, mentor them, and lead them, but above all,
           love them.”
           And, her parting words to the command were a vote of complete confidence in her successor.

           “To my team I’ve just given up, give her 110 percent just like you gave me,” said Jennings. “I know
           she will give that in return. Support her and trust her like you did for me; she will not let you

           Mohan echoed that sentiment as he wrapped up his comments.
           “To the men and women of [USAFMCOM], we couldn’t be prouder of what you do,” he concluded.
           “You’re on the line every day; if you fail, our Army fails; and I know you will continue to support
           Michelle just as you supported Paige as we move to the next chapter.”

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